8: Here we go again

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"Okay, Mrs. Suzi. This won't hurt you at all, but I will ask that you lie down. It'll make it easier for me, if you don't mind." Saffron asks Suzi, she's beginning the age process

"Of course, dear." Suzi smiles as she lays down on the couch

"My vines will wrap around you, it'll feel strange but there should be no pain at all. After that, they may move, rotate, flowers sprouting, thing of that nature. You will lift slightly, at that point you will probably fall asleep. It's just the body's way of reacting to the power, once you awake you'll be 23 years younger. Ready?" Saffron asks and Suzi takes a breath

"Yes." Suzi closes her eyes

"Earth stone." Saffron speaks gently as she pulls her stand out and begins

Vines slowly but surly engulf grandma Suzi. They do exactly as saffron said they would, they spin and rotate as they lift her off the ground. After a few moments Saffron sets her back down and recalls the vines. She falls to her knees, pale in the face as this takes so much of her energy to do. Josuke however quickly calls Diamond.

"Thank you, Josuke. I'm okay though." Saffron smiles at him from the floor

"Gram, Let me help." I offer my hand and help her stand up

"Here, Saff." Josuke helps pick up Saffron

"Thank you, Jotaro. My sweet boy, you sweet girl. I cant explain how odd this feels." She laughs slightly

"My Suzi!" Joseph picks her up in a hug and spins her

"Aren't they just the sweetest thing you've ever seen?" Saffron watches them complete and utter awe

"Yeah, they almost make you think love is real." I huff a bit as I grab her hand to help her up

"You don't believe in love?" Her face drops, her expression dripping in a mix of concern and pitty

"I believe in emotions. Everyone has them, everyone and every thing feels. Everyone has their own level's of each though. Nothing is the same for everyone. Someone can love a dog, but rehome it if say their new place doesn't allow them. Others can love a dog so much they'd rather be homeless with said dog than get rid or it. Some people feel so strongly towards others it can cause them physical pain, other people can spit in someone they apparently loved face and not blink twice about it. Love exists, but not everyone is capable of it. Not everyone will fall into it. You can't deny that it's real, you can however just not ever feel it in the sense of romance." I try to explain and she gives me a look of disapproval

"You, at your big ass age are gonna stand there and tell me you've never been in love?" She crosses her arms at me

"I've never even had full interest in anyone." I cross mine back

"Maybe if you let you three story brick building of a wall down, that would change." She rolls her eyes and walks away from me

"What just happened?" I turn to Josuke completely lost as to how i pissed her off

"Bro, seriously?" Okuyasu looks at me like i'm stupid

"Mr. Jotaro, don't take this the wrong way but... you're extremely oblivious." Koichi Smiles a bit

"Oblivious to what? The fact that she's some sort of hopeless romantic? I think I got that part." They shake their heads as I speak

"She's into you. Big time, bro." Josuke laughs

"No she isn't." I deny

"She is." Liz says quietly as she stands next to Koichi

"And you know this for a fact?" I cross my arms again

"Well.... Yeah." She pulls us aside to ensure no one, especially Saffron hears.

"I'm not going to tell you the private details of what she thinks. That's totally invasive, but use your eyes. She looks at you like you're the only person in the room, she's always by your side, she gets mad at you for small stupid things, she risked her life for you at that restaurant, she lets her guard down with you, shows her emotions, she's totally into you. You just have man brain and can't see anything that isn't spelled out in big red letters on the floor in front of you." Liz crossed her arms

"Oh?" Its all just can say at the moment

"Don't act on anything unless you're sure, but she is very much so into you. If you don't reciprocate it, don't feed into it. She may actually kill you if you do." She looks at me with a dead serious look

"I... I don't know how I didnt realize." I'm in shock as to how I could be so oblivious

"You're sharp when it comes to danger, Jotaro. But you and every other man to exist are just as stupid when it comes to love and romance. It's okay not to feel the same, but don't be rude about it is all I ask. You can still be kind and not be interested romantically, If you are though? Stop being such a stubborn dickhead." Her eyes widen as she realizes how abrupt she had just been

"I uh... I think I do." I just stand there awkwardly

I've never, and I mean never have even gotten close to having feelings for someone. I'm great at everything, but this? This is like i'm 5 learning to ride a bike without training wheels for the first time.

"Wait- what?" Josuke looks at me with shock

"I've never felt this before so I dont know, and don't make a damn joke out of it. You may be the uncle here but I can still kick your ass." Josuke laughs and puts his arms up in defense

"I'm not making a joke! I swear! Don't go all ora ora on my ass, I'm just surprised you admitted to it so quickly." He shrugs

"What do you mean by that?" I ask defensively

"Oh c'mon man, you look at her with the same goo-goo eye's she looks at you with. That's why she got so pissed when you said you didn't believe in love! When look at her all love struck then say the complete opposite of that? Yeah it's gonna piss her off." Okuyasu scuffs in his usual obnoxious tone

"Well, what do I do now." I just awkwardly stand as they stare at me

"Go apologize first, then go from there. Just communicate." Josuke points to the other room where she is

"I thought I have been, but okay." This is going to be incredibly embarrassing.

"Just say what you're thinking. It's easy." Liz smiles

"This is more nerve racking than killing Dio was." I sigh and turn to be on my way

"Goodluck, Jotaro." Liz is almost giddy

I'm definitely going to need it.

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