5: The beginning of what

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        We have all our things packed and ready to go. Leaving is easy considering both girls are essentially on their own, it sounds bad but not having family to fight with really helps the relocation process.

"So... Where are we going?" Saffron asks as I put her bag in the over head carrier for her

"Right now? We're headed to England. The old man- uh, Joseph lives there. He knows our next step, ignoring his age he is the best man to protect you. Knowledge wise that is... He's so old he can hardly move otherwise." She stares out the window as I explain

"So, your grandfather is our best bet?" She doesn't look away from the window

"As of right now, yes." She picks at her nails in stress as i speak

"Listen, right now you're safe. You're fine. Josuke, Koichi, Okuyasu and myself have been in countless fights. If anything is to happen, we're winning. You and Liz will be fine." I reassure her and within seconds tears start to stream

"What now?" I can't deny i'm a bit annoyed. I shouldn't be, but i've never dealt with anyone who had the nerve to show real emotion.

"What the fuck do you mean? I've known you less than a month and now my life if in your hands? You, your highschool ass uncle and his little friends? I have a brother? Magic powers? My life is in danger because my father is a vampire!? excuse me for being a little fucking dragged by it all!" She yells through gasps of hair from crying.

"Good grief, Saffron you're fine. Get over it." I groan and her crying intensifies from my yelling

"I- I'm, I-" she can't make words

"Bro." Joskue just looks at me with disappointment

"What?" I question back, he motions for me to hug her

"Fuck off." I shoo him away

"Saffron?" I ask, she's crying as though i just killed her dog in front of her


"I'm sorry, You'll be fine. I didn't mean to yell, i'll try to control it better. I promise. Just stop doing... this." I awkwardly sit next to her and pull her into a hug, she melts into it like i'm someone she's known her entire life.

        I hold her in the hug for what feels like way, way too long. I look down and she's fallen asleep. Like, out cold, passed out in my arms.

what am i supposed to do?

        I panic for a moment, before slowly scooting over and laying her down on my lap. If she's going to sleep, she may as well be comfortable.

Josuke's POv

        Jotaro and I haven't known eachother our entire life's, it's only been a matter of years, but the bond we've created makes me feel like i've known him forever. I may be his uncle, but in a weird way he feels more like a big brother to me. We have different parents obviously, but he's guided and helped me in so many ways, I can't help but to think of him as one. The old man tends to be a father figure to us both too, so that doesn't help. He's hard to get to know, he doesn't trust easily, and he's the biggest egotistical asshole i've ever met. Yet at the same time he's the most caring, understanding, smartest, quit whetted person in existence and he's taught me more than I could have ever asked.

"We're- Oh." I shut my mouth as soon as humanly possible as I whiteness the unthinkable.

        Jotaro sitting in his train car, with a passed out Saffron in his lap. You'd think that's the crazy part, but it isn't. What is though? He's playing with her hair, in an almost couple type way and just staring at her... like he's admiring her or something. The man who doesn't even say thank you to his mother is caressing and admiring a woman he hardly known? Insane.

"Bro, look." I point it out to Okuyasu

"Dudeeee." He's as shocked as I am.

"What are you guys- oh." Koichi stops in his tracks as he see's what we do

"Don't intrude. Let them be." Liz smiles softly as she looks at them, at this point Jotaro himself is falling asleep.

"She's right, just let them be. Well listen and keep an eye out." I slowly shoo them away

        It's nice to see him acting like a normal human, he's always so guarded and mean... I'm not going to jump to conclusions or anything but if he actually has an actual interest in her then that could completely change the trajectory of his life. He doesn't even show affection or anything for his real family, this is a huge step.

Jotaro's POV

Where am I?

        I open my eye's in a slight confusion before everything comes back to me. I look around, only to find Saffron fully asleep in my lap. My hand rests on her head, as though i was rubbing it. She must be protecting in her sleep, scared of something, because we're both wrapped in vines. Not poison or sharp ones though. Soft, light, strong ones. Like she was protecting us rather than what she's done to the men before... she looks peaceful. Comfortable.

        I decide not to wake her, we aren't at our destination yet and there seems to be no signs of anything bad happening, I can clearly hear Josuke and the guys talking. I can even see Koichi sitting in the cart across from me, for now i'll let her sleep.

"Uh, Jotaro, sir?" He asks quietly as he see's me awake

"Yes?" I respond

"Would you like any water or anything? Given you can't move?" He offers kindly

"I'm okay Koichi, thank you though. I think for now i'll just let her sleep until we get where we need or she wakes up on her own." He nods in understanding

"Stop... i said no!" She mumbles in her sleep and her vines tighten

"Huh?" I try to see if she's awake

"Please!" She mumbles again

"Hey, Hey, you're okay. You're fine, don't kill me in your sleep please." I speak softly in an attempt to calm her and stroke her hair.

"Mom?" I can't tell if she's having a bad dream anymore or not.

"We'll find out what happened to her, I promise." I continue to stoke her hair, she seems to calm down some.

        I have such an odd feeling around her. It's unsettling, I don't know how to explain it. I'm not fearful of her, I sense no threats at all. Yet for some reason I have this feeling in my stomach. I can't talk to her the same way I can the guys, when I'm my normal self i almost feel bad, when we had to protect from the stand user her I was happy to do so, not annoyed. I'm enjoying her presence right now, but I'm almost anxious for her to wake. I've never been unsure of how to feel about anyone, ever. Usually it's just a gut yes or no. But I genuinely can't decipher this.

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