The Unforgettable Ride

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"Child, come home! Lunch is ready" I heard my mom's voice coming from our house."Just one more round ma!" I yelled as I turned my head towards the direction of my house as I quickly passed it. "It's been an hour" my mom yelled back. I nodded my head giggling as I continued to pedal down the street.I loved to ride my cycle. The wind blowing against my face as I pushed the pedals to ride faster and watching the world go blur around me gave me a thrill nothing else could.

My attention, however, drifted towards my brother who was cycling ahead.He signalled me to come near. As I neared, I noticed him petting a dog. "Isn't he cute? You want to pet him too?" my brother asked me. A smile erupted across my features as I parked my cycle and started to pet the dog. "You like him?" I heard a voice I didn't recognise. I looked up to see a security guard. I concluded it was his dog as I saw him holding a leash. "Yes! He looks so cute!" I squealed as I held my brother's hand. "You both want to play with him?" The guard asked looking at us to which both my brother and I shook our heads vigorously. "No uncle. Our mother is calling us. If we don't go now, she'll yell at us" my brother responded to which the guard laughed and replied "Relax! I'll talk to your mother. Besides, will you get a chance to pet a cute dog like this again?" My eyes drifted to the cute dog. I wanted to play with him. "Ok. We'll come with you" My brother responded to which I happily nodded.

"Then follow me" The guard walked in front of us to a building not so far away. I recognised it as an office as my brother and I often went there to pluck mango leaves from the mango tree nearby. My brother excitedly went around to play, squealing with happiness as he played chase with the dog.

As I tried to go near him, I suddenly felt a hand wrapped around me. "Let your brother play for a while. In the meantime, why don't we talk" he said as he started to rub his hand up and down my arm. I felt uncomfortable and looked helplessly at my brother who didn't seem to have noticed my plight. "Why? You don't like me?" The guard asked as he wrapped his arms around me.I blinked back my tears as I prayed for someone to stop this. As if the fates heard the pleas in my mind, my father happened to see my and my brother as he rode his motorbike home. He ordered me and my brother to take our cycles and accompany him home. Even though I knew I was going to get a earful and probably even some slaps from my mom, I was happy to be away from that guard.
Lmao this is the FIRST time I'm writing something, let alone an autobiography 😭
This incident took place when I was 8 years old and my brother was 13 years old. I feel bad for my brother because he was the one who got all the beatings from my mom after we returned back🥲
Anyways hope y'all like this small snippet of my life

Love Yaa💜❤️
Baked Pie__

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