Just Like A Nightmare 2

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My mind went through several theories as to what had happened. I didn't want to ask my parents. So I decided to understand what the matter was.

I quickly sent a message to my friends stating that I wouldn't be able to make it to school. I also messaged my house captain that I wouldn't be able to attend the quiz.

As my dad was driving the car, his hands tightly grasped on the steering wheel, his eyes trained to the front of the road, I noticed he stopped in front of my eldest uncle's house to pick him up. I saw two silhouettes infront of the gate, which I identified as my uncle and my cousin.

(Note that my dad had 2 siblings, my dad being the youngest among three. It was my second uncle who had been admitted)

"What is this brother? They are saying he's in critical condition....and his survival rate is quite low" my mom asked my uncle. I let an internal sigh of relief. He was alright. But we just crossed half of the well.

I wiped my tear stained cheek as I adjusted to sit with my buff brother, my uncle and my cousin at the back seat. And let's say it wasn't the most comfortable ride of my life.

I left a grunt as I adjusted myself to accommodate more space for myself, for my brother had fallen asleep and had fallen on my shoulders. Me being the wimp I was I couldn't even stay upright.

The car was silent throughout the ride, with the exception of the several calls from our relatives. Apparently, my grandfather had called all our relatives regarding this.

Infact, it was his call that prompted this early, scratch that, MIDNIGHT travel.

Try as I might, I wasn't able to sleep at all. I stayed awake throughout the 5 hours journey.

We had atlast reached the hospital. It was still early in the morning, and it was SHIVERING cold. I rubbed my hands as I opened the door of the car and stepped out. My glasses immediately fogged up. I removed my glasses and quickly wiped the lenses.

I looked up to the impending hospital which made my heart pound faster. We walked up the hospital. With each step closer, I felt my heart pounding out of my chest.

And before I knew it, we stood infront of the ICU. Beeps could be heard beyond the large doors. We waited anxiously infront of the doors, knowing my uncle was lying there.

"Two people can enter now" A nurse came out and announced. My palms felt sweaty for the first time in my life. Both my parents entered first. Me and my brother waited outside, with me sitting on a chair and my brother pacing up and down the room.

Soon, both of them came back, and my brother got ready to go in. I got up. My brother looked questioningly at my mother, who just nodded. "It's just round the corner." My cousin informed. We followed his steps. I saw several people lying on the bed, sound of ECG filling the room. The sound alone made me anxious and atlast  there he was, laying on a bed, with tubes attached to his throat and nose.

We stood in front of his bed, looking at him. He immediately looked at us and recognised us. He looked at me and smiled. Even though he couldn't speak with the ventilator, I could see several emotions in his eyes. It held resilience.

The sight made me break down and I immediately left, pacing the room with big steps. I immediately hugged my mother and tears left my eyes without consent.
"It's alright child... he'll be fine.." My mother said, stroking my hair.

My uncle was alright...


Don't worry yall, he's completely alright now... I could never forget this incident in my life...

Anyways, LOVE YAA❤️💜💜
Baked Pie__

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