Attention Seeker

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Finally, the day had come. The ever glorious, once in two years event, SPORTS DAY.

The ultimate irony, however, was that our classes did a dance, Dandiya of sort.

The November sun seemed to mercilessly fry us on spot, we somehow managed to change our clothes.

"Umm...I can look at me." Dasom smirked at me as she caught me staring at her while in actuality, I was zoned out.

They had allocated us a small tent which could barely fit all of us. So we had to squeeze through  to enter and hope no one watches us while we change our clothes.

"I'm very much straight, thank you very much. I do not even think of changing my sexuality." I laughed.

"You guys are been extremely gay around each other. Did you kiss each other when I didn't see?" Yoonji side-eyes with a smirk, combing her hair.

Dasom and I looked at each other and burst into laughter.

"I mean...maybe" it was a lie, but we wanted a reaction out of Yoonji. And boy did she react in the most satisfying way possible.

Her mouth hung open, eyes wide looking straight at us.

"What do you mean??!" Her voice sounded shrill.

"Just kidding just kidding!!" I exclaimed with my ears closed.

"Sru, can you hold this mirror for me?" Shibu extended a mirror in my direction.

Shibu became my best friend even before Dasom and Yoonji. We were close since sixth grade. The fun fact about us was that we both have the same birthday, except she is a year younger than me.

Our friendship started when our teacher made us sit together. By then we had known each other's name but not a single thing about each other.

Shibu is the only person in the whole entire world to match my craziness with exact same craziness. People started to call us twins.

I smiled as I took the mirror from her hand and placed it in such a way that she could view herself in the mirror.

She pulled her hair and tied a rubber band around it to make a ponytail. "Are you already done sru?" She asked as she combed through her hair.

I just shrugged. I am usually a person who would change clothes faster than light. And as for my hair, I had to admit it looked horrendous.

My mom usually styled my hair because it was so long. But that day, she went or Malaysia to attend a conference. It was her first time in a plane and outside India. So I didn't feel bad when she said she left for Malaysia on the exact day of my sports day.

So I had to pull out a hairstyle of my own and rush out of my house because I was already late by thirty minutes.

As soon as Shibu completed her hairstyle, I gave her back the mirror and pulled out the rubber band from my hair.

Calling it a mess was an understatement. It looked like a sparrow's nest. Hair clung on to each other as I tried to pull them apart and somehow work it out.

After minutes of struggle, I somehow managed to pull up a ponytail....if you could call it that.

My scalp was struggling and my natural baldness on my forehead looked ugly. Shibu looked at me, concern clear in her eyes. " need not be so tight."

Groaning, I pulled the rubber band out again and tried to tie my hair less tighter.

And this time, it was somewhat successful. Frustrated, I pulled my friends out of the suffocating tent.

Girls seemed to always pour into the tent. Crowds were never my ideal environment.

We plopped down on our chairs as we continued to watch the sports day in front of us.

The school had put up shed on the other side of the actual ground so that we could watch the match.

The school had put up shed on the other side of the actual ground so that we could watch the match

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(Right here if you're wondering)

Our performance was in fifteen minutes. So I decided to pull out my makeup.

As I was wearing my eyeliner, I heard a voice next to me. "Enough of makeup rey, it'll melt off in the sun" My gaze shifted from the mirror in front of me towards the voice.

There stood the girl who annoyed me the worst. She stood next to me, with folded hands and a smile on her face.

I knew her smile was not genuine at all. She was judging me.

We used to talk pretty well until our classes changed. Lockdown rolled in and everyone's personality suddenly changed.

Her personality rottened and became a self obsessed along with a group of other girls.

I rolled my eyes and looked at my mirror again, concentrating on not messing up my eyeliner.

My friends were at the washroom, and I wished I was there with them.

"Okay." Was the only response that came from my mouth. If I give up to my anger, the situation might become way worse.

The girl went back to her friends, who were not far back.

"I don't even like makeup. We must show our natural beauty. We're just dancing. Only people looking for attention do these" I heard her voice crystal clear from behind me.

I tried everything in my power not to explode right then and there. My fist curled up.

"Sru, are you ok?" Dasom's voice reached my ears.

I looked up to see my friends looking at me, their eyes showing confusion and concern.

I just shrugged and smiled. "Nothing. Come here and sit. You asked my help for eyeliner right?"


Hey y'all

It's been such a LONG TIME I updated in this book.

My exams completed yesterday and I feel so much happier 😭

This story took place in November 2023 (yes quite recently)

All I wish to say is, do not judge a person. And if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all.

I would have put up a fight if I wasn't wiser than before to know not to take such comments personally.

Okay guys, I'll see you soon


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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