The Adventure Park

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"AHH SHIT WE MISSED THE TURN" My dad exclaimed as he turned the steering wheel to take a u-turn. "The GPS says it's on the turn opposite to the entrance of the waterfall" My brother, who had the mobile phone, replied. As for me, I glanced outside my window to locate at the said Adventure park. "You don't even know how to look at a GPS? You told me to go straight when the turn came" The heated argument went on between my dad and my brother. "Ok both of you calm down...we are here for a Family Trip." My mom sighed, exhasperated. I let a silent breath of laughter as I gently shook my head.

We all gazed in awe at the adventure park in front of us

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We all gazed in awe at the adventure park in front of us. It was empty, for the most part, as it was summer. "Hey MMS! How are you?" My father's friend, who was also the owner of the park, greeted my dad. My dad, in turn, gave him a bag which had Mysurpa sweets, which was famous in our city. "You had asked for some sweets too, so we bought some for you" The uncle laughed as he took the bag. He acknowledged all of our presence "Welcome! I am really happy to invite you all. How are you?" My mom smiled and replied "We are fine. How are your wife and kids?"
I stood still looking at all the equipments and games they had. My eyes immediately fell on the bunjee jumping tower and felt tingles at my feet. My acrophobia could never... My thoughts drifted as I looked at shock. "Pfft. I've seen taller ones. And jumped" I heard my brother boast beside me, to which I looked at him and snickered. "What? You don't believe me?" He asked, quite offended. "Yeah yeah we'll see" I replied, walking towards the equipment camp.

"Which one do you want to try first?" The uncle asked, to which I scratched my chin, looking at the options. I found something which caught my eye, the zip line. "Can we try the zipline?" I asked, to which he nodded and told us to follow.

As we approached the tower, I felt my fears returning. "Damn...the tower is tall..." I thought to myself as we neared the tower. "Who wants to try first?" Before I could reply, my brother, like a sneeze, interrupted and answered "Let my sister go first." I snapped my head towards my brother, who had a smile on his face.It wasn't a smile of was a smile filled with malice...filled with mischief. My brother knows about my fear and intends to take full advantage so that he could have a laugh.

I sighed as I nodded and trudged forward. The staff went ahead of me. I started to ascend the swirling trail of staircase to the top. At first I didn't feel anything. But as we gradually went to the top, my grip on the railing tightened to the point my knuckles went white. I recited a prayer as I went to the top as fast as I could without looking down, because I knew I would start to cry.

As we reached the top, I felt my fears take control as I gripped on to the railing as tight as I could. The wind, as if mocking me, began to blow faster. Even though my rational side knew I wouldn't be blown over, my fear made me grasp onto the railing tighter than ever and close my eyes even tighter. I took a breath as I slowly opened my eyes, taking in the scenery. It wasn't bad. Greenery surrounded the area, trees visible as far as my eyes could see.

The staff nodded towards me, indicating me to come closer. I walked towards him and stood where he told me to. I waited with increasing dread as he attached the safety gear. Seconds felt like hours. From my vantage point, I could spot my mom waving at me with a phone in her hand, recording me. I also spotted my brother who seemed to be looking at me with amusement.

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