Just Like A Nightmare

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*your alarm has been set for 3 hours and 30 minutes*

I stared at my phone in disbelief as I quietly pressed the power button. "I have to wake up early for the quiz" I thought as I fell into a deep slumber.

I had stayed up at night watching RUN BTS without realising it was already 30 minutes to midnight. I knew if my mother found me staying up, she would instantly fry me with her boiling hot oil of rage.

I was suddenly woken up by the sobbing and lamenting of my mother. Surprised, I turned on my phone to look at the time.

*01:07 am*

Thinking it was probably nothing, I turned around and began to sleep.
"Chudhi...wake up" I heard my dad call me by my nickname. I peeked from my bedsheet and rubbed my eyes as I asked my father what was wrong. I had never seen him so sombre since my great grandmother passed away.

He told me to get up and get ready as we were going to our hometown. I felt my heartbeat race to the pace of a hummingbird's wings. I had dejavu.

*A few years ago*

I looked up from my notebook as the teacher called my name.
"Your parents are here to pick you. Pack your bags dear." I felt ecstatic as I closed my notebook and packed my school bag.

"You're sooo lucky!" "See you tomorrow!" I heard a group of my classmates exclaim towards me. I just smiled in their direction as I swung my bag over my shoulder. I waved my friends goodbye as I left the classroom.

As I entered the reception of the school, I noticed my father standing. I quickly rushed my way to my dad beaming.

"Where are we going dad?" I asked him as I got up the motorbike. My dad replied somberly "We're going to our hometown" I was oblivious to the fact I was going to the funeral of my Great Grandmother

*Back to present*

As I waddled towards the living room, I noticed my mother leaning on the wall against her back and sobbing. I quickly went over and hugged her as tightly as I could. Seeing her in this state made my mind race wih questions. "Did someone from our family pass away?" That question made my whole body to shiver.

I quickly changed my dress. As I returned back, I saw my mother sitting on the sofa and crying. Watching my mother in this state made me cry as well.

"What will his children do? Why should they experience this at this young age?" My heart stopped.

My uncle had been admitted to the ICU for tuberculosis, and I knew it was regarding him. And everything around me stopped.

Did he pass away?
This was the question in my mind. And I hoped it wasn't true..


Don't worry yall there will be a part two of this...

Anyways, LOVE YALL❤️💜
Baked Pie__

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