Thunderstorms and Laughter

11 1 21

The living room basked with the gentle light from the emergency torch light as all of the family members sat around the room with the main door opened ajar to allow the cool air to enter.

The smell of rain and the gentle breeze were the only things comforting us in the frightening thunderstorm. Lightening painted a white line across the sky for a moment, followed by a rumbling thunder.

Sound of laughter filled the room. "Did you know? Your father used to sleepwalk often? Once, he dreamt of a tiger chasing him and he ACTUALLY stormed out of the room screaming 'Tiger! Tiger!' He also stomped your grandfather's brother's stomach on the way" My grandmother narrated a story to which I laughed heartily and replied, "So that's where our genes come from?" Both me and my brother had a problem of sleepwalking. But I didn't sleepwalk as much as my BROTHER, who tried to get out of the house WHILE SLEEPING.

My family and I visited our hometown twice every year for Vishu (Malayalam new year) during summer and Onam during monsoon. This time, we had visited for Onam and BOY was it raining cats and dogs.

I held a hot cup of milk as I sat down on the sofa. The room was quite dark as the electricity went out. Even though I was quite scared by the thunder, I was feeling better than my cousin sister who was TREMBLING with fear.

We laughed and talked about our lives when suddenly, my cousin sister held on to the hand I had my cup of milk. I was about to warn her about the drink I had in my hand while suddenly she started to shake my hands VIGOROUSLY.

The hot cup of milk spilled all over my pants. My cousin sister let a scream of panic while I let a scream of pain. Confusion surrounded the living room.

"What's wrong? Why are you both screaming?" My mother asked, to which I replied "MY MILK....I SPILLED MY MILK" and started to run about unable to contain my pain any longer.

Suddenly, a rumble of thunder made me jump straight back to the sofa. This mishap made everyone in the room to laugh heartily.


This is quite a short chapter because I wanted to post something wholesome. This took place when I was 11.

Also apparently the year I was born was the year my hometown experienced the highest rainfall recorded...crazy

Anyways, LOVE YAAA❤️💜
Baked pie__

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