Chapter 3: Discussions and Turning Point

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"Bell! Bell, come on now. It's time to get ready~"

Groans and mumblings could be heard in a single room of this quaint house. Coming from said boy being called upon by his grandma no less. His eyes wincing at hearing her call and felt the sun's rays hitting his face.

"*Yawn* I'm up granny..." He said tiredly as he got out of bed. Sleepily changing into a new set of clothes and tossing his nightwear back on the bed. Shivering a bit at the cold air he felt as he changed until he was finally ready and stepped out of his bedroom. Heading to the bathroom to wash up before breakfast would start.

"Zeus! Stop trying to sneak those books in Bell's bag! I don't know why you keep sneaking him such smut literature to bring to school! He's only seven!" Hera roar echoed through the house as Bell went into the bathroom and turned on the water. Drowning away the screams and smashing sounds going on and his grandpa's cry for help.

"I'm just doing this to have him learn the right things early! Plus, it would make him popular!"

"Why would he need to be popular! Everyone knows him and this would get him to be like you! Now give me your hands so I can cut them off!"

"BEEEELLLL! Help your dear old grandpa!"

"'s only Tuesday...but it feels like Monday again. Guess it's gonna be another boring day." Bell muttered out as he spat into the sink and rinsed his mouth out. Ignoring his grandpa as the sound of a knife embedded onto the table rang in his ears and his grandpa now screaming like a little girl.

"Granny! Don't ruin the table again please. Otherwise, it'll break like last time and we would need a new one." Bell yelled from the bathroom as he washed his face and left. Coming into the kitchen to see his grandpa hiding behind the couch and a set of knives embedded in it and into the table where they ate.

"Finally out of bed, sleepy head? And don't worry about the table. We can have Zeus get us a new one.

"So I'll have to step in and barter for it again? Hmm..maybe this time I can get it down to just a pumpkin, five potatoes and two eggs." Bell said, taking out the knives on the table as Hera set him a plate of bacon and eggs with her hands on her hips.

"You know, it's odd how you're somewhat a savant at bartering and know about how to do business at your age. Compared to the other kids and even the merchants in town. Yet you need my help when settling for a selling price." Hera said as she pinched his cheek as he turned away embarrassed.

"I've had to make sure me and Grandpa weren't in debt and pay back stuff he had to borrow from the other farmers. And I helped a few of the shopkeepers from time to time to pay them back and learn a thing or two about bartering for them when we sold to other neighboring towns and cities."

"Honestly, why is that not surprising for me at this point. And thanks to me you're more bright than most of the other adults in town. Why can't you be like Bell and have a sense of responsibility Zeus!?"

"Because that takes away my precious time with the other guys and peeking at the beauties-EEK!" Zeus ducked as he felt a few centimeters of his hair sliced off and looked up to see that Hera had thrown her spear at him and now vibrated against the wall.

"Is it kinda sad that this is how we know him and that I don't want him to change Granny?"

"Oddly...I somewhat agree with you, but he could be doing better."

Both grandson and grandma looked at the shivering pervert with a dull look in their eyes as they turned back to face each other. Staring at one another before looking back at Zeus and let out a tired sigh before Hera grabbed herself a plate and placed Zeus's portion at the other end of the table.

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