Chapter 7: Reunions and Renovations

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The days seemed to go by at an odd pace for the small family of three in their new home and business. Busy with gathering supplies and moving their old funds they had in Orario under their new practice. As well as having Hermes scout out any of their old members that would be interested in joining. Hera herself writing letters to any of their living Familia children Herme's managed to find to invite them back to Orario.

Though she would keep an optimistic outlook upon sending these letters and Bell assisting her with putting them in envelopes. Frankly, she was saddened that not many letters were returned to her. She had gained a few dozen from her own children, and smiled to know they were doing fine and some even settling down and had families or happy with forced retirement.

'If no one shows...this place would feel too big even for the three of us.' She thought as she looked at the room around her. Sitting on one of the chairs in the first floor of their home and business where it was set to be part of a cafe while being a general goods store for Adventurers.

'I know some of then had a few hide outs here in Orario or said they would maybe settle down nearby in some towns or one of the kingdoms. But, it couldn't hurt them to maybe write back now could they?'

Recalling some of her and Zeus's more prominent members other than their Captains and Vice-Captains at the time. She had figured some would want to return simply even if to visit her and Zeus. Or try to seek adventures in the Dungeon as they were brimming with excitement each time they went on an Expedition in the past. Always eager to face or discover something in the Dungeon.

The sounds of the door opening brought her back to reality, shaking her head away from old memories as she watched Zeus coming in with sacks over his shoulders and placing them by the counter. Groaning as he patted his back and sighed as he looked over to her. Wincing as she lightly glared at the old God and crossed her arms at him.

"How long does it take to get the simple necessities to supply us with food for a week and then to stock up on food for the small cafe?"

"'s a hassle with those damn merchants trying to swindle me. I got the stuff for us for the week and Bell managed to lowe the prices for the cafe supplies. Though, after three weeks living here I'd never expect our cafe part of the business would be doing more than our general goods." Zeus said, reclining his back against the bar as Hera looked around him.

"Zeus...where's Bell?" Hera asked immediately as she saw the man stiffen and standing straight up. Sweat running down his forehead as she leered harder at him.

"So help me, if you left him off with Hermes or alone like last time I will-"

"I'm back from the markets Grandma!

"Hello again!"

Two voices called from outside as Hera turned to the open door and saw Bell and Miach standing outside. Smiling as she saw her little boy smiling at her. Carrying three large crates over his head and twice the size of his height. With Miach soon dropping two of them on the floor and gripping on the brick wall that was part of their fence and gasping for air.

She walked outside to take the crates off of Bell's hands and set them aside. Bringing him up into her arms and hugging him as she looked over to Miach's tired expression and patted his back. Seeing the Medicinal God smiling as he carried the two boxes further until they were now inside their home and set them down next to Zeus's feet before he collapsed at the bar.

"Thank you for helping Bell carry our supplies, Miach. Granted you're not the most well built or athletic one of the bunch. But what brings you by?" Hera said as she tossed the other three boxes at Zeus. Who scrambled away from them as he fell to the floor and looked at Hera in surprise as he had a hand over his chest.

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