Days Living with a Rabbit and a Pervert

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Chapter 2: Days Living with a Rabbit and a Pervert

"Hnngh.." Murmurs and groans escaped from the pillows over Hera's head. Wincing as she could feel the sun's rays hitting her exposed skin and shined on the sheets that reflected into her eyes due to the brightness.

Lifting the pillow away from her face as she rubbed her eyes before she rose up. Slowly stopping herself as she felt someone else in the same bed as her. Her hand slowly going towards the side of her bed to where her spear rested against the wall as she looked down at her side.

Hera smiled as she stopped herself from grabbing the spear and placed her hand on her lap. Bringing her other hand that was rested on the other pillow on the bed as she went down and began to caress and pet against her guest's hair.

The sight of this always filled her heart with relief and joy. Feeling as though all was right with the world despite its troubles. If she could, she wished that she could spend all day doing this to him.

Watching Bell sleep and dream. Hearing his soft giggles and laughs as he dreamed while she caressed his hair. Soothing him as he would snuggle up close to her and hug her body.

"I'll watch over him Meteria. I wish you would be the one in my place." She whispered softly as she pulled the covers off of her as she readied herself for the day. Walking over to the small closet she had on the other side of the bed as to pick out her wardrobe for the day.

If it was any other man in the room, they would be in for quite the sight to see. Or if anyone were to pass by and if Hera didn't have her blinds shut closed, they would have seen what makes a goddess quite attractive.

Despite only dressed in an oversized baggy white shirt and shorts that did nothing but hug her ample thighs and legs. Her messy hair as she yawned and stretched her arms over her head. It gave quite the sight of a tomboyish village girl that was both beautiful to the eye, and very erotic.

She quickly undressed herself as she pulled out her clothes for the day and began to toss her sleep wear in the laundry bin in the corner. Turning around the room to double check everything was shut and that Bell was asleep and snoozing away. She hurriedly tossed away her shirt and shorts, briefly leaving her naked before putting on her undergarments and then to her clothes.

'Knowing that fool he would have killed himself to see that. And more or less force little Bell's eyes wide open to try and peek. Tch! He needs good rest. Otherwise he won't grow up right and well to tackle the day.' She thought in annoyance at her husband's possible antics to get a peek at her.

Small grunts and shuffling of clothes, she finally managed to get the last strap on and looked at herself in the mirror. It wasn't one would predict such a beautiful goddess to wear, or a village girl to wear at all. But Hera wasn't like most mortal women, or most goddesses.

She had worn a dress top blouse shirt, a yellow cream color with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows. Strapped over her shoulders was the pair of overalls she had struggled to put on. Mainly as she had worn a pair of shorts underneath just in case she felt hot later and so she could take off the overalls, but just in case Zeus or any of the men tried something to make them ripped.

But given how she struggled due to her ample breast size, practically giving all a view of her mounds despite still covered by her overalls and blouse. She wondered if the straps would hold or need a tailor. And lastly was a pair of tall heeled brown boots. Giving them a light tap against the floor to make sure they fitted right.

"Hmm...something's missing. Ah!" In the mirror, on the opposite side of her bed on the bedpost she saw what she needed. Tip toeing over to the bed, she grabbed the large straw hat she left there and placed it on. Adjusting it and looking over to the mirror until it was perfect.

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