Chapter 9: Shop's First Steps in Marketing and Dungeon Diving

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"I don't know if you're actually serious right now Hermes, or if you've become a bigger idiot. Either way someone is going to suffer from my fist and die. That and business will be turning a profit more than we make now."

Late in the night of "The Rabbit's Den", where after days of trying to appease Bell and make up to him to the point he approved of the name, was a discussion among Gods. Sitting by the bar and counter top were Hermes, Zeus and surprising both Gods that run this small business, was Loki.

"Much as I hate being her due to the fact you might smack the hell out of me."

"I'm very much tempted to still. Get your children under my control. Especially that blonde little shit brat that was hunting down my poor Bell." Hera immediately said as she handed Loki a cup of water. The redheaded God swallowed a lump in her throat as she took it and drank.

"Believe me...I have Riveria practically torturing the girl in etiquette and manners now. Still...sort of a work in progress. But I'm serious about the job offer. My children need food to get them back up here since their supplies were ruined on their way back to the 18th and tending to the injured." Loki said as she slumped her head down.

Earlier that night, Hera had assigned Zeus and their children to close up shop and do an inventory count for today's losses from their business. They were greeted by Hermes stopping by to grab a bite. Explaining to his fellow Gods and friends that Loki actually has a job offer for them.

Explaining how his children came back from the Dungeon depths that joined Loki's children on a small expedition. Along the fact they were in need of some supplies and food they had lost or needed to use on their more critically wounded Adventurers. From Herme's reports from his children, they had encountered a few dangerous monsters and Evilus members in the dungeon trying to tame and capture Floor Bosses.

Naturally, Loki's Familia did their best to fend off and cause Evilus to retreat further into the depths of the Dungeon. Though their supplies and injuries were the price they had to pay for causing them to run off and kill a few.

So comes to now, where Hermes brought Loki here in person so they can settle to an agreement of sorts for Hera and her children to deliver the supplies and food they need. The God of Messages could now only sit at the bar with a nervous look watching Hera and Loki staring at each other.

"A work in progress huh? Still...say we do accept, this is a very last minute job you're piling up on us. Even if I spend the night cooking and if my other children help, that's going to cut it dangerously close. And we're going to be losing most of our inventory." Hera stated as she crossed her arms as Loki growled and pouted.

"I know! You think I wanted that crap to happen to them in the Dungeon? But they need supplies. I know some of them can last a bit longer with the rations. Still, Miach's new product isn't meant to be eaten daily! It's some sort of substitute for meals, the downside is that it's too chalk full of vitamins that eating them over and over will need their stomachs pumped asap!"

"Hmm...right. He did mention those new Made Ready Meals bars his child Naaza and Heith developed. M.R.M's is what they called it. I was actually thinking about ordering by the bulk for our shop to sell. And yeah...Bell insisted we warn the customers about it to help with promoting Miach's business along with neither of us being held accountable if they don't read the fine print."

"Erm...could I perhaps make an opening for you ladies to at least come to a deal of sorts?" Hermes said as both Goddesses looked at the blonde man with a leer in their eyes. Swallowing his throat as he adjusted his hat a bit, he coughed as he began to try his best to help with negotiations.

"Now Loki, you have to take it from Hera's perspective. It's a rush job order all of a sudden. And you are aware of the rules her Familia has to abide by and the fact you're also affected by this as well if your children fail to meet an exact location." Hermes said as Loki flinched.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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