Moving Havoc

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Nearly half a year had passed since Bell, Hera and Zeus had that serious discussion with his future plans. One long night of discussing the pros and cons of this idea, boiled to this single decision. They were going through with this plan, but only after six months to get everything set and assured.

Bell was moving to Orario.

Within those six months, he was preoccupied with learning as much as he could about bartering and business from some of the villagers and what he could read from books. While Hera was preparing for their move and had Zeus get into his contact with Hermes and settling in over Orario beforehand.

Needing to sneak into Orario herself to move her old Familia's funds to Hermes to ensure he had a place ready to start up a fairly sized home to make into a shop for them to work and live in. As well as threatening him to send word out to any members of her and Zeus's Familia about their return and when the timing would be right, to rejoin them.

Even Zeus was doing his part in this shift and change to move back into Orario as he had some of his other contacts to find his children. Along with getting some of his hidden nest eggs he had scattered around in his earlier days of traveling in the mortal realm and any weapons he had collected to possibly sell in Orario.

Sadly for him, Hera had searched through the bags and crates he brought back and burnt the collection of porn and smut he had hidden.

Though this was all for his future, in no way was Hera about to let Bell solely divulge himself completely to focusing on the move. She had him cherish these next few months with those closest to him. His friends, and to make as many memories here while they stayed before starting a new part in their lives. And she made it possible for him to have as many memories here with her hand in joining the kids in fun.

Sadly, time moves on and hence, today was the day of their departure. The villagers gathered by the front gates. Some tears shedding or waving them off with fond farewells. As Hera couldn't help but cry at the sight of the people she got to know for the past year or so to wish her luck and health along with her husband and grandson.

By the looks of it, he was torn up about it and couldn't stop his crying as his little friends were huddled around him. Crying on him and even hugging him tightly as if he was on death's door.

"Don't forget about us buddy! When you get big in the city, promise you'll give us a letter if you need our help with your store!" Alfyn cried as he sobbed into Bell's shoulder as he nodded, staining his shirt with his own tears as well.

"I wont! I'll write to you guys whenever I can and tell you all that I see!" Bell cried out as he was punched in the shoulder as Therion looked away, sniffling and looking down at the floor and kicking up some dirt.

"H-H-I-If there's any jerkfaces or bastards that mess with your shop...say the word and I'll rob em blind!" Therion said before he was smacked upside the head by an oddly smiling Tressa.

"That'll ruin his business dummy! B-but, this was bound to happen someday y'know. We'd be off selling or leavin town to grow up. I-It's just Bell that's the first of us to go. I-ah-I wish you luck and always remember to look for a bargain! And I'll do the same here! I'll get those fishmongers and visitors to-"

"WAAAAHHH! Just shut up and stop hiding it Tress! Come here!" Bell bellowed out as he and Alfyn opened their arms as tears and a bit of snot dribbled from their nose. Making the strained smiling Tressa finally break. Her eyes watery and wobbly as a flood of tears came from her eyes as she grabbed Therion by the hand and tackled the two other boys.

A mess of tears and snot and babbling was now heard to all the villagers. Watching as some couldn't help but cry themselves or laugh at how dramatic they were being. Even Zeus let out a few tears and looked away while Hera ripped off his shirt and used it as a tissue from seeing the sight of them rolling on the floor, mixed in tears, cries and laughs.

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