Chapter 5: The Bell rings for The Gods to Obey

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Bell Cranel, was one nervous boy right now.

Well, not so much as nervous but rather anxious to get out of this Guild and explore around Orario. Though as much as he wanted to leave and run about the city, he knew his grandma would have a heart attack if he did and he wouldn't likely get far with his two handlers looking over him along with the odd, but funny God that decided to wait with him.

"Nervous about the city kid?" Bell blinked as he looked up to one of his handlers, going by the name of Hashana if he remembered right. Seeing the older man grinning at him as he pouted and looked away.

"N-Not really. More like...I wanna see everything that it has. But that wouldn't be fair to grandma." He said as he felt his hair ruffled and then pulled into a hug. Blushing at how he felt warm, and knew his grandpa would be jealous as he was being nuzzled into his other handler's chest. Being the female captain of the Ganesha Familia, Shakti Varma.

"Awww~ Aren't you sweet! And so considerate for your grandma. Unlike some others that aren't considerate for other people's work." Shakti said, looking at Hashana and Ganesha with a dull look in her gaze as both men whistled and looked away.

Bell then saw from the corner of his eye a few people entering the guild and noticed the god Ganesha waving at them. The party of adventurers seeing him as Bell pulled himself away from Shakti's hold and watched them coming his way.

"Hey there Lord Ganesha! Lord Hermes said you had someone needing an escort?"

"Indeed! I am Ganesha! And thank you for coming on such short notice Honorary Leader Nelly! Given the situation Herme's must have left word for you I take it you understand the situation?" Ganesha asked as the leader of the group nodded and gave him a thumbs up and kneeled down to see Bell looking at them in awe.

"Yup! We're gonna give this cute little rabbit a brief tour of Orario! Hi there little guy! I take it you can't wait to see what this place has to offer huh?" She cooed at Bell. Rubbing the top of his head as he pouted and looked up at her. Fixing his hat in the process and adjusting it right.

"I'm not a rabbit..."

"But you're cute as one! I'm Nelly! And over here are my Familia members! The tall blonde elf behind me is Thane! The rambunctious Chienthrope here is Lulune Loiue, but we call her Louie." Nelly said as Bell looked at the older teen Chienthrope as she bared her fangs and made a claw like gesture. Shivering as he could feel a chill up his spine.

"Careful now...she bites!"

"Gah!" Bell yelped out a bit as he instinctively gripped onto Shakti's exposed legs and clung to them for dear life. The men blushing with even Hashana muttering something about a rabbit's luck and Shakti was confused wether to push him closer and behind her, or try to pry him off.

"*Konk* Ow! Lunoire! Don't be mean to your Honorary Leader!" Nelly whined, though she was faking the injury as she rubbed her head and looked back to a smaller elf wearing blue robes and fiddling with her staff.

"W-Well...stop playing around! We have a task to do that Lord Herme's expects us to get done!"

"Jeez~ See this is why we tell you, stop being cooped up in your room and get out more. You'll be like Asfi if you keep working too much." Nelly said, before her eyes widened and many blinked. Imagining if a lanturn suddenly appeared above her head as she stood up and walked over to Shakti.

She then pried Bell off her legs and held him up by his leg. All watching as the boy was dangling in the air until Nelly walked over to Laurier. Holding the boy over her just a little as Nelly extended her other arm out as Laurier repeated the gesture with both hands.

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