Chapter 6: Home Settling and Hunting

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'Dear Mom,'s me. Your son Bell. I don't know whether to apologize to say hello. Since you're no longer with us and I didn't know about you until Granny came into my life with Grandpa. I hope this doesn't feel weird...thinking about you as we've moved out of the village and came to Orario.'

In a city filled with hundreds, possibly a million people residing in it. Bell was scared and surprised no one was stopping him or getting in his way as he was running down and what felt like every street and alley in Orario.

He wondered how this came to be.

At first it was a simple and exciting day for him since coming to this dungeon city. His family were getting issues settled so they can live here. He was being given a simple tour of Orario for some basic understanding of his new home. Even making a new friend in a Elf by the name of Laurier.

It felt barely an hour since she and her Familia gave him a tour and acted as his guide and guardians until his grandparents finished their business. He was amazed and surprised with the sights and different races of people he saw. Laurier explaining and giving her opinion of what to do here for fun and some banter coming from her friends and Familia members.

Even stopping by a simple food stand and buying a snack, consistent to be deep fried potatoes. Served by a short cute girl, who he immediately thought and was thankful his grandpa was away, with a rather...large...chest and had twin tails.

Walking with the group close by as he munched on his snack. Enjoying the smell and taste with each bite and the satisfying crunch sound ringing in his ears as he nibbled. He couldn't tell when, but at some point as they walked by a few restaurants and pubs, he froze up.

As though something was looking deep into his very soul behind him and chilling tingles pricking and crawling up his skin.

He turned around and looked if there was anyone around looking at him. Wondering who would hate him so as to give him the feeling of death and danger. But he didn't see anyone suspicious aside from one person.

A girl, looking older than him by a few years whose head was turned back to meet his gaze. Blonde hair that glowed in the sun's rays and golden eyes to match. In his mind, she looked like a beautiful doll with a blank expression.

'When I first came into Orario, I was amazed at everything I saw for the very first time. The giant tower called Babel, the Guild, and the amazing shops and food that they had to offer! I almost wished my friends could have come with us to Orario so we could explore it all together.

But I kinda made my first friend her. She's an Elf and a bit older than me and her name is Laurier. I was kinda scared at first since I didn't know how to make friends that are a bit older than me, but it wasn't so bad. She was kinda shy too.

Sadly...I think I have to apologize to her soon. And maybe I might be joining you shortly as for some odd reason...I'M RUNNING FOR MY LIFE RIGHT NOW TO GET AWAY FROM THIS SCARY BLONDE GIRL CHASING ME!'

Now, gasping and running ragged around a few twists and turns in one of Orario's alleyways. He toppled over anything in front of him to act as some sort of blockade. Anything to even help him buy a little time from his assailant.

"Gasp is she following me still!?" He cried as he pushed down a few trash cans behind him and knocked over a large crate as he ran to the path on the left. Focusing ahead as he went a few turns to hopefully escape.

Though sadly...all that stood before him now was a tall brick wall with nothing around to climb it with.

"No! No this can't be a dead-end! Ghh! I have to go back and take the other way. Maybe I lost her in one of the paths I-"

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