Chapter 8: Of Relatives and Shenanigans

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"How!? How is it you two can't cook or make a simple thing like a sandwich but Cyrus can! Even if it's bland, it's a sandwich! How do you make two slices of bread, meats, cheese and veggies into a pile of mush and ash!?"

Hera's cry of disbelief rang across the room as she looked at Olberic and Primrose. Both veteran Adventurers could only look down in shame as their Goddess looked at them in shock and shame. Hera's head then turned over towards Bell and Cyrus by the counter, where the former Tactician and Mage Professor was slowly eating and making his way through a mountain of sliced up sandwiches.

"You might be the better one of these two but it wouldn't kill you to learn how to add the correct spices or ingredients in your cooking to make them taste better. Bell! Make sure he eats all of them!"

"L-Lady this really necessary for me to-"

"Absolutely! I need you to get better in the kitchen. Your wife can't handle customers and be a cook at the same time. And I'm still baffled and have my eye on Frieren in the kitchen! How is she a better cook!?" Hera cried out as said Elf exited the kitchen from the back and placed down a large, cooked steak on an empty plate on the counter.

"Had to learn when me and the others left Orario. Be thankful that Heiter and Eisen were nagging and forcibly taught me the basics. When we parted from each other after a few years, I had to learn how to cook better meals then the simple ones I used to cook." Frieren said as she slid a few eggs onto the plate, setting them next to the steak as she reached out to Cyrus's plate and grabbed one of the sandwiches and took a bite.

"Hmmph...Y'know. This is better than how I cooked before. Scho it's not totally bland." She commented while eating the meal as Cyrus groaned and patted his stomach. Giving her a thumbs up before Bell handed him another one.

"I know he can improve, but I don't trust you not to cheat your work using Magic! You gotta work just as hard as we do! And worse, I won't have you experimenting on the meals with that useless potion you have! How do you have so many in stock and where on earth are you hiding it!?" Hera screamed as she walked up to the short Elf and pulled her off the ground. Shaking her as she groaned and her face turning to an odd look (-3-) until the sounds of bottles clattering and falling rang.

Bell looked over the counter as he watched with widened eyes to see seven bottles of a familiar potion fell from Frieren's outfit and apron. Hera caught onto the sound as she slowly looked down, then back to Frieren's eyes. The elf shivering in her arms as she let out an awkward laugh.

"Miss Frieren...I thought I check your room already to see if you were hiding any more of those bad potions. Why do you have so many?"

"Yes Frieren. Why do you have so many when I asked Bell to check and throw out any he found after your little mishap." Hera asked sweetly as the Elf shivered.

"Y-You mean when I gave Ophilia and that Asfi girl the potion in their meal or when Bell saw me naked?" She asked, hoping to play ignorant. Until a second passed as she immediately heard what she said and slapped her hands over her mouth. Hera's and the others in the room jaws dropped and the sounds of footsteps running down the stairs grew louder with each second.

The smell of burnt wood and screeching noise came behind many of them. All turing to see Zeus looking tired and out of breath. Sweat falling from his face as he looked up immediately and saw Bell. Grabbing him by the shoulders and shaking him back and forth on his seat.

"What did I just hear!? You saw Frieren naked Bell!? Dear heavens even Himmel hasn't done that yet and you're only seven! Good job my boy! You got one up on a Veteran Adventurer!" Zeus cried out in joy as he squeezed Bell into a tight hug. Ignoring the boy's cries and denials of such things before Zeus fell back onto the floor with his face punched in and Hera catching Bell with one hand as she held him out and close to her.

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