Chapter 13/ The Feast of Souls

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Victoria's POV.

"What dark magic did this?" I said.

I couldn't help but feel a rush of vulnerability as I took in the breathtaking, albeit precarious, view before me. To the left, a low, wrought-iron railing marked the edge of our platform, and beyond it lay nothing but a sheer drop into the abyss. The darkness stretched endlessly, broken only by the faint glimmer of the moon on the distant surface of the lake beyond.

My heart quickened its pace as I took my first steps onto the roof of the black tower. The immensity of the night sky engulfed me, and I instinctively hugged the cold wall beside me. The sensation of open space and the sheer drop beyond the railing sent a shiver down my spine. It was a stark contrast to the enclosed spaces I had become accustomed to within the coven's keep.

Beside me, the Duke stood with an air of calm and familiarity, as though he were a part of this eerie rooftop world. His presence was a reassuring anchor in the face of the unknown. The wind tousled his hair, and the fading light cast intriguing shadows on his chiseled features. In that moment, he seemed both a creature of the night and a guardian of its secrets.

I couldn't help but wonder what had brought us to this precipitous perch. The rooftop of the black tower held mysteries untold, and I had a feeling that our presence here was no mere happenstance. As the wind continued to whisper its secrets and the night unfolded its enigmatic beauty, I knew that this moment would leave an indelible mark on the tapestry of my existence in the vampire's world.

"Not magic; an elevator is a room that can move up and down from floor to floor. It's powered by a steam engine. Once, all tall buildings had them. Now, like electricity or shoes, only the more civilized people, like ourselves, possess them. You see, once these foolish wars are over, we can bring them back to your people. Come, look at my city."

I hugged the walls, my fear of the dizzying heights keeping me close to the structure.

"Are you afraid, girl?" he asked.

"Are you insane?" I said. "You do not have to fear the wind catching you and falling to your death, but I do"

"Well said," the Duke laughed as he came back over and held out his hand. I took it, allowing him to guide me as we ventured further onto the rooftop of the black tower.

"And you should address me as 'Princess,' not 'girl,' Lord Duke," I said, suppressing the shiver in my spine.

"No," the Duke replied. "In private, I will call you Victoria, and you shall address me as Lucius."

"So, Lucius, do you bring all your hostages here?" I asked, inquiring.

The Duke looked back at me. "Ha! I have been exposed. I have brought all of my royal hostages here. Unfortunately, you are my first royal hostage, making the total number of hostages one—you. You are the first, the last, the only. It would please me for you to consider this place your domain."

The Duke turned to gaze out into the night, the wind gently tousling his hair.

Eventually, my courage returned, emboldened by the Duke's unwavering confidence, which seemed to radiate from him like an invisible shield. As I ventured closer to him, we found ourselves standing on the grand balcony that overlooked the vast, dark expanse of the lake encircling the imposing black keep. The night of the moon lit up the city beyond.

The Duke extended his hand toward me, a gesture that reassured and beckoned simultaneously. "Hold my hand now; I won't let you fall. Victoria."

A hesitant smile touched my lips. "Are you sure?"

"Have no doubts. I've promised your father your safe return."

I thought I had glimpsed a scene like this in one of my visions, but here and now, the reality surpassed anything I could have created in my mind. He cradled me gently, one hand on each of my bare arms, a pillar of strength and guidance. I found myself fighting off the feeling that I was enjoying his company. He was my captor I the hostage it was unreasonable that we had anything in common. Despite my best wishes on the matter, I found myself respecting my foe.

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