Chapter 30/Plots and Stratagems

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The Duchess and the high priestess sat in the guest wing the towers.

"You told me he would propose on this trip," said the duchess her elegant cheeks sung of perfect symmetry over her soft features,  piercing eyes calling like a siren. 

"He will," said the mother superior of the Lobishomen calmly. They were both young but the high priestess moved with a precision lost on mortals. Her long auburn hair topped by the iron band of a mother superior.

"What about this Princess of his?" said the Duchess brushing her hair

"She's a mortal, who cares," said the mother superior hardly look up from the book of Arubus.

The Duchess stopped brushing her hair "I care, mortals have a way of becoming immortal if necessary"

"Not her - she is the key to a treaty with the peoples of the badlands. If he even sucks her tit, the bond is broken. Like most men he want's what he cannot have. Give it five years, she will wrinkle as their kind do and he will be dulled by her, you see. "

"I was thinking We should tell him the truth. We have laid together enough he would appreciate it. There is no law from the blood god on the matter which would impede our marriage" said the Duchess.

The mother superior continued to read her book speaking slightly "You know too well, he craves a child. I tell you he finds the flesh girl of beguiling because he believes a fleshing will give him the heir he wants. Then he will have to make her his wife to make sure the offspring will be legitimate. If he finds out our little secret before any wedding then he will reject you for his fisher wife and our work and plans of all these long years will be undone."

"If he knew what I have given up for him. " The Dutchess said looking at her self in the black mirror "The countless things, the surgery, the pain."

"You are the most beautiful and beguiling woman in Albion. Hear me, if he announced you his eye's apple then, then I would distrust him. He's the devils double that one and if he told you he loved you I would know you were just a part of some larger stratagem. No his affection for you will only come if you make him a victim of your plans. After that unfortunate little war of his, his coven is dangerously weak. He does not advertise this fact but he is seriously low in number of coven. He lost many familiars and is very scarce in ammunition. We have familiars, we have not just ammunition but our ammunition making machines. We have what he lacks including a bride. In return we create a confederation stronger than any other coven in Albian. They have much stock in this area not to mention control over the sea trade with the world. Together both covens would be unstoppable and he knows that" the mother superior said.

The Duchess sat on the bed, doubled up, arms around her sensational legs chin resting on her knees.

"They say he deliberately poisoned him self to make sure the leader of the Midnight coven was assassinated but leaving the blame on the First Earth Army ."

"Silver poison in the blood does sounds too clever for the First Earth Army." said the mother superior closing her book "How would they know he would have her ?but It's a very riskly way to start a war. Pity the vessel was killed in the process and got flushed out with the other rubbish. But I tell you this would fear a man who would risk his own life to further his own plot. I have known that boy for more than two hundred years and I still don't know what he is going to do next"

While the mother superior spoke , she arranged a line of apple seeds carefully on the table before her.


The mother superior relented "If you want to trade rumours about him. I'm told that his plan is to make the Princess in our image, a living Nosferatu. She follows our ways, wears our clothes, speaks our tongue, prays to the blood god, then when he is certain her mind is turned to our ways he sends her back. She goes back with, what's her name, bloody Mary, both pass the tests of the fleshlings and all looks normal. Then Mary kills the younger brother and the farther in secret and the Princess becomes queen. Mary can then be sired to control the Barren lands from behind the throne. He has a vassal state which he can send against any coven he wishes, for he has learned that when coven fights with the living the other coven's sit back and do not help or hinder. Then he can the strike against each coven in turn . knocking them down one by one, and we share a boarder with the badlands." while she spoke she flicked the apple seeds away.

"This is why he must make the Princess want him desperately make her believe in some lovers future with him. HE is troubled because we have interrupted his new pet project but he will forget her'

"Then we must get rid of her?" said the Duchess looking carefully at her eyebrow in the black mirror.

"After you have met her naturally." the mother superior tilted her said.

"Why" said the Duchess turning around.

"Well there may be elements of her you can copy to further entice him". said the mother superior.


A day later the high priestess of the coven of the meridian and the Mother super of Lobishomen lay inside bed together. A great fire roared illuminating the room with dancing lights. On the floor were animal skins on which was a toned slave coven boy who was now laying unconscious due to lack of blood. On either side of his neck were fresh puncture marks showing the left overs of a shared dinner.

"I have words for you suckler of daemon spirits" said the mother superior of the Lobishomen.

"Your worried about the fleslhing girl." whispered the high priestess into the others ear. Her hand gently stroked the shoulders.

mother superior pulled a pretend face "You naughty thing. I thought we had agreed to both politely refrain from spying on each other. You would think 150 years of friendship were so easily forgotten"

The high priestess rolled over and used a white cotton napkin to clean the blood from the cover from other's mouth "I have my dear, one doesn't need a spy when her own daughter makes her feelings is quite plan. That girl needs to curb her appetite for drama, if he got word of our plans are many years of plotting be on done. Anyway it matters not the fleshling is a barrier and needs to be removed."

"You sound like you already have a plan? That's what I like about you are cauldron full of plots and plans" said the mother superior kissing her.

the high priestess smiled gently "Your flattery doesn't fool me dear. You too have some plan already. Tell me yours and I will tell you mine"

The mother superior let out an air light she had been slightly deflated.

"The reason has to be manufactured to get the girl out of the castle only some vital errand. While she is away our main stratagem will strike"

"We do think alike my love. I had considered that but once she has left she can easily return." said high priestess.

"You would kill her then? I also had considered that but he would just instantly sirer her and we would have a problem 10 times bigger than before. Come close kiss me again and I will tell you my answer to silver neck's departure"

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