Chapter 22/Stolen moments in the shadows of a silent city

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These backstreets were narrow, mostly old disused buildings from before the fall. Sadismann pulled my horse through an old broken shop window. Inside he picked me up by the waist pulled me off the horse. He was lowered to the ground and he carried me through the rubble. I pushed away, landed on my feet and tried to run giggling away from him. I was used to pumps but these stiletto boots were not designed to travel lightly over rubble.

Sadismann caught up with me quickly, "If you like running away we should play the sanctuary of chains some time" he grabbed pinned me against an old brick wall with his hips.

"I was just looking for somewhere to lay down" I explained.

He kissed me on the neck, and the cheek and the lips. My breathing grew heavier. He pulled me closer to him, my heart sampled against my corset. I felt everything every touch, every movement of his fingers. I pulled him closer.

"There is nothing but rubble for a bed in the next five miles. So why should we lie down?' he kissed me and stroked my body, then firmly pining me against the wall with his body.

"Lucius" I said between kisses.

"Say your farther's name and I will stop. I've been waiting so long for this. Now we can do this without to coven undoing everything. " he started to reach down and pull my skirt up,

"I want you. I want you. " I said back my pleading with him finally paid off.

I was glad she had chosen my five inch heels today as my rakish hips was at the right height for his. I reached for my Matercrine and undid it letting it fall to the ground. I so wanted him. 

In the rubble brown eye's watched the black and white glass girl wryth for the large man. Kissing beyond passion.

I felt his rough beard against my jeweled ear.

"profounder durier" I said my velvet oxblood lips looking more drained against the ash white wall.

"You don't give the orders" he told my slapping my bottom. I writhed in delight at the pain.

"I will break you dark angel," he intoned in the dark tongue. I knew the poem as well as he, in the original tongue I could feel all the savage intent behind the words.

"I will break you dark angle ,so what there is of you will feed me" he continued kissing, kissing me.

"I will create the cave, the place in your heart Dark angel that will sanction your falling to your knees" I added kissing back.

"I will score you ropes my Dark Angel to verse you how to please" he said.

"What was that?" said Sadismann suddenly freezing. I had a sharp intake of breath, had our passion been witnessed?

Sadismann suddenly hissed revealing his two fangs and in a smudge of black moved shot away. Within seconds he had gone leaving nothing but disturbed dust behind.

My long riding skirt which had been around my knees fell to the ground. I looked down began to clean the rubble and dust off my clothes. I returned to the horses slowly picking my way through the rubble. There was a movement and I stumbled.

"Hello" said Sadismann's voice.

I almost jumped at the shock. He returned his face bloodied, for a second I thought his face was slashed in some fight but then realize his fangs had done their worst. Then I felt a surge of guilt - had he just killed for me? Was I responsible for some poor soul's death. Sadismann smiled blood still dripping from his teeth to his jacket.

"I found our peeping tom" he said holding up a red bag of fur.

I relaxed it was a dead fox.

"This is the perfect excuse for our sojourn, I mark it as a good omen a gift from the blood god" he placed the fox around my neck like a huge collar. It felt warm and heavy.

"This is your first blooding with this pack'"he said taking two fingers and placing them in the large wounds he had severed near the fox's jugular. He   drew a lines in blood on each bleached cheek. I was so glad no human was involved and so relieved we hadn't been spotted I was willing to forgive any ritual.

Smiling like sin I emerged from the broken shop window pulling a horse behind me when I heard a voice shouting it the distance.

"My Lord, Sire, Duke"

"Over here" said Sadismann in good cheer. A rider came up, it was Mary riding a horse without the benefit of riding jacket but carrying a spear and a Kalashnikov strapped to her back.

"My Lord, My Lord thank the blood god I found you." said Mary.

Sadismann smiled, we were not going to continue our passion "Calm your self Mary what ails you ?"

"Some fool dressed as a first earth army shouted at Lady Velencia. I was far back but I think he thought she was Princess Victoria. He told her that she was a coven's whore and had taken rendered witless by their dark magic. Then he tried to grab her pull her off her horse and threw holy water at Lord Kirack who was by this time protecting her honor." said Mary as the horse turned.

Sadismann looked confused "So what happened?"

"The water enraged Kirack ,Marcus, Harkman who immediately began to get down to deal with the man. A crowd formed around him thinking they were helping the First Earth Army idiot rescue the princess. Then a savage fight began."

"The fools, cyclops of wit" snarled Sadismann in the shadow tongue which was more articulate at this abuse than others. "What did Lady Velencia do?"

Mary got down from the horse "Her glasses and vail came off in the fall, her clothes cut and I think she actually obeyed your interdict about casual slaughter. She actually went with them the villagers."

Sadismann look concerned "Why didn't you stop this were where the wolfheads in all this?"

Mary tried to look apologetic but it came over more as disgruntled "They were looking for you and I'm a governess remember?"

"Not for long" Sadismann promised getting back on his horse "Good then governess take the Princess back to the keep, keep her safe I will take charge"

He looked around then kissed me in goodby "Be safe princess" he said.

Mary took the fox from me and put it over the back of her horse.

"Lets get you home" said Mary. 

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