Chapter 28/He had blue eyes

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Over the days that passed, I pushed myself to try and learn more of the shadow tongue. I wanted to fill in the missing words from the text. Reading had become a gateway to so much more. I had a calendar and could more easily notice the passing of time. I was feeling so different; my mind being challenged was not left wanting. I had discovered so much, and now I wanted more. I was capable of understanding so much more than I did when I arrived. I felt like a new, stronger person. Mary brought me books in English, some beautifully printed from before the fall. After the gift of knowledge, I also spent more time with the Duke, which was a delightful education in itself.

As one day passed rapidly after another, I would secretly visit the Duke in his room in the evening, or he would come to mine. His rooms were more suited to people sneaking in. The vampire Duke's court bedroom, nestled high within the foreboding tower, served as a sumptuous and opulent sanctuary that mirrored his exquisite tastes and ancient lineage. Though he did not sleep in this room, it remained a place of intrigue and decadence where he entertained guests, conducted affairs of the court, and indulged in his darker pleasures. Pleasures like me. 

The Duke was working hard at something and promised that I should be ready for went it did.

One evening, after seeing the Duke, I returned to find Mary slumped in a chair. For a moment, I wondered if someone had been feeding on Mary. I looked around, and Cub was missing; she hadn't been around much recently. Mary was always sending her out for things.

I placed my hand on Mary, and she stirred. Her sleepy eyes met mine. "I hope you don't mind," said Mary.

"What's wrong?" I asked. Mary looked troubled by something.

"I didn't think you would be coming back tonight," she tried to stand up, but I gently pushed her back down. "Sit down. What's wrong?" I inquired again.

"Nothing," Mary said, waving her hand dismissively, "everything is fine."

"You can't lie to me," I told her. Mary smiled knowingly in response, so I pressed further, saying, "Just tell me what's wrong."

"I'm fine, dear. Nothing can upset me here. I'm just an old workhorse," said Mary.

I was irritated and found myself using my voices, "Ott mori araa dicht. Tell me what is worrying you."

As soon as I did I felt bad about myself. I had promised my self not to use my voices on Mary or Cub. I was so weak I hated my self. 

Mary looked at me, her eyes uncertain and uncontrolled. I took a seat beside her at the small table. "It's a bad anniversary, and I've had some bad news... you know why they call me Bloody Mary?" said Mary.

I shook my head, puzzled.

Mary tilted her head. "Well, let's say love came in and spoiled everything."

I leaned in towards her. "You fell in love?"

"It's not forbidden; there are regular balls, you meet people, get to know them. I was a magistrate then; the Duke liked me. He thought I had potential. He taught me to read. I'm the first one in my family for a generation to learn to read, you know that? He made me a magistrate."

Magistrates were like judges; they commanded a number of military familiars, acting as police.

"People from the villages came to me for justice, and I did what I could. The Duke had set up schools in English. Except the kids didn't go. He wanted me to find out. I asked around and discovered the parents couldn't spare the kids for long enough to teach them. I had the idea of taxing the fish harvest and giving it to the schools to feed the kids... where was I? So yeah, I was that in love; I thought I could change the world then. I had someone to love, but we couldn't admit it to anyone. Ish nard allowed," Mary said, slurring her words.

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