Chapter Fourteen

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/////SAM'S POV\\\\\ 

"How could you let them take Appa?" Aang shouted at us. "Why didn't you stop them?" 

"I couldn't!" Toph defended herself. "The library was sinking! You guys were still inside, and-" 

"You could've came and got us! I could've saved him!" 

"I can hardly feel any vibrations out here," Toph said, turning to face Aang who was now in her face. "The sand benders snuck up me, and there wasn't any time for-" 

"You just didn't care!" Aang screamed. A tear slid down my cheek, but I still faced away from my friends. "You never liked Appa, you wanted him gone!" 

I jumped up at his words, pushing him away from Toph. "Yeah, well what's my excuse then?" I shouted. "You know I love Appa, and Toph does too! If anyone's to blame for Appa being stolen, it's me, and you all know it!" I looked around at everyone, and Toph scooted closer to me. 

"Sam, that's not true," Katara said, walking closer to us. 

"No, it is true," Aang spat. "You can bend two elements, and still the sand benders beat you! You act like you can do everything, and that you know everything just because you're from another world! Well you don't, okay? You don't!" 

I glared, and felt heat in my palms. From the corner of my eye, I knew my hands held fire, but I didn't care at the moment. 

"Aang, stop it," Katara said, stepping into our argument. "You know they both did all they could. Toph saved our lives!" 

"Who's gonna save our lives now?" Sokka asked, staring into the desert. "We'll never make it out of here." 

"That's all any of you care about," Aang shouted, "yourselves! You don't care whether Appa's okay or not!" He plopped to the ground, facing away from us. 

"We're all concerned," Katara assured him. "But we can't afford to be fighting now." 

Aang ignored her, and stood back up. "I'm going after Appa," he declared, and flew away. 

Katara called after him, but it was no use. "We better start walking. We're the only people who know about the Solar Eclipse. We have to get that information to Ba Sing Se." 

I silently followed the others, Aangs words stuck in my head. I was from another world, one where this entire adventure was a TV show. I should know everything that's going to happen, right? 

Then why can't I remember? 

Whe I first got here, I knew everyone in the show, and knew when what was going to happen. But now, I'm with Sokka. 

Will we even survive the desert? 


"Katara, can I have some more water?" Toph asked. She looked like she could drop any moment, and already had a small sunburn on her cheeks. 

We all did. Who knew that only a few hours in the desert sun would be this horrid? 

"Okay, but only a little," Katara sighed. "We need to conserve it." She divided some water from her pouch into four, and I happily drank. 

Sokka swished the water around in his mouth before swallowing, then got a weird look on his face. "We're drinking your bending water?" he asked. He smacked his lips, and shuddered. "You used this on the swamp guy!" 

"It does taste swampy," Toph said thoughtfully. 

I shrugged, and continued walking. 

Katara's eyes followed me, and I could feel her piercing gaze. "I'm sorry, guys," she said, turning back to the others. "But that's all we have." 

"Not anymore!" Sokka exclaimed, pointing to a cactus. He sliced a part of it open, and gulped down the liquid that was inside. 

"Sokka, wait!" Katara scolded. "You shouldn't be eating strange plants." 

He ignored her, and continued drinking. "There's water trapped inside these," he explained, offering some to us. 

I shook my head. "You've seen me loopy before," I recalled. "I don't want to do that again." 

He shrugged, and just drank more. We watched as he went crazy, and I just sighed. 

"Who set Toph on fire?" he asked, staring at the poor girl, who was clinging to both Katara and I. Momo started to fly in circles, and I groaned. 

"Great," I muttered. "Now, we have to walk miles in the desert, and babysit an idiot." 

"Can I get some of that cactus juice?" Toph asked, obviously not taking notice of Sokka's behavior. 

"I really don't think that's a good idea," I advised, and dragged Sokka along, while Katara lead Toph. 

"How did we get out here in the middle of the ocean?" Sokka asked, and I facepalmed. 

"Just keep walking," I grumbled. However, I did let him fall behind, but kept glancing back to make sure he was with us. 

"Sam?" Katara asked. 

I glanced up at her, raising my eyebrows. "Yes, Katara?" 

"Are you okay?" she asked. "You seem down." 

I shrugged. "Just thinking about what Aang said," I admitted. 

Katara sighed. "You know he didn't mean that, right?" 

"But it's true. I do act like I know a lot, when in reality, I don't," I said. "I never told you guys this, but from my world, we have TVs, where a box shows pictures and sounds. One of the shows I would watch was this adventure. It was my favorite show of all time. And when I first came here, I knew every character - er, person - that was suppose to show up." Katara had stopped, staring at me. "But now... I don't remember anything fromt he show. And... I barely remember my old life." 

A tear ran down my cheek, and Katara and Toph gave me a hug. 

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