Chapter Twenty-Two

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/////Zuko's POV\\\\\ 

After being sick for such a long time, I was happy to be working in Uncle's new tea shop, the Jasmine Dragon. I felt like a new me, and I no longer felt conflicted. I couldn't wait to see Sam again, to tell her about my sudden new view on the world. 

We had just closed the shop, and I was finishing up sweeping the floors, when a man dressed in royal robes came in. He went straight to Uncle, and handed him an envelope. "A message from the royal palace," he said, bowing, and walking away. 

"I... I can't believe it," Uncle gasped, and I abandoned my sweeping. "What is it, Uncle?" I asked, walking over. 

"Great news," he said, grinning. "We've been invited to serve tea to the Earth King!" He quickly ran off, back towards the kitchen, preparing everything I assumed. 

I just smiled at his excitement, and continued to sweep the floors.



The next day, the carriage dropped us off in front of the palace. Uncle had a large box in his hands, that was full of his tea. He hadn't stop talking about how excited he was all morning, and I couldn't help but be proud of him. 

"Many times I imagined myself here, at the threshold of the palace," he said, smiling as he walked. "But I always thought I would be a conquerer. Instead, we are the Earth King's personal guests, here to serve him tea. Destiny is a funny thing." 

"It sure is, Uncle," I agreed. 

We were led to a room with a small table and large throne. We quickly set up the tea, and poured ourselves a cup, while waiting. 

"What's taking so long?" I asked, after we had been waiting for what seemed like ages. 

"Maybe the Earth King over slept," Uncle offered. 

A moment later, a large group of men in hats filed in, and circled around us. 

"Something's not right," I murmured to Uncle, looking around warily. 

"It's tea time," a girl's voice chimed, walking into the room. I looked up to see none other than my sister. 

I stood up, glaring. "Azula," I hissed. 

"Have you met the Dai Lee?" she asked, tilting her head. "They have a killer instinct that's so... firebender. I just love it." 

Uncle picked up his tea cup before he responded. "Did I ever tell you how I got the nickname The Dragon of the West?" he asked calmly. 

"I'm not interested in a lengthy anecdote, Uncle," Azula sighed, studying her nails. 

"More of a demonstration, really," Uncle corrected, and took a sip of his tea. 

I smirked, and quickly ducked behind him as fire flew from his mouth, creating the distraction we needed to run out of the room. We dashed down the hall, and Uncle used lightning to break through the wall. He jumped through, landing in some bushes, and looked back up at me. 

"Come on!" he shouted. "You'll be fine!" 

"No," I told him, standing my ground. "I'm tired of running. It's time I faced Azula." I turned, only to see my sister surrounded by the Dai Lee. 

"You're so dramatic," she spat. "What? Are you going to challenge me to an Agni Kai?" 

"Yes," I stated. "I challenge you." 

"No thanks," she smirked. 

Enraged, I sent a fire ball towards her, but the Dai Lee jumped out and raised the rock floor, stopping the fire in its tracks and sending their rock gloves my way. They held my feet to the ground, and I lost my footing. I shot my hand out to catch myself, but as soon as I did, another glove held me there. Azula calmly walked away, and I was soon following, forced by the Dai Lee. 

They took me to a lot behind the palace, where they opened the ground up, and threw me down the chute. I tumbled down, and landed on my face, where I sat for a few seconds. 

"Zuko," a girl's voice gasped, and I looked up slightly, hoping it was Sam. I was disappointed, however, to see it was Katara.

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