Chapter Ten Part 1

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We arrived at a big house, that had two men standing guard. Above the door was an emblem of a flying boar.

"That's it," Aang said, as we crouched behind a rock, "the flying boar from my vision."

We walked around the big wall that surrounded the estate, and Aang airbent over it. Sokka climbed up next, and I saw him fall over the edge. Katara chuckled, going up next, and I followed. I jumped down, and Aang and Sokka caught me.

We were silent as we crossed the grounds, hiding behind a tree to scout the area. Not a moment after I stuck my head out, the ground shifted, and we went flying through the air. We all screamed before Aang and Katara landed in bushes, Sokka on the hard ground, and me on top of him. He groaned and I laughed at him, standing up.

We all looked over to see a young girl standing over Aang. "What are you doing here, Twinkle Toes?" she asked.

"How'd you know it was me?" he asked.

"Don't answer to Twinkle Toes, it's not manly!" Sokka said.

"You're the one who's bag matches his belt," Katara huffed.

"Um, my bag." I stuck my tongue out at Sokka who glared.

"How did you find me?" the girl asked, ignoring us.

"A crazy king told me that I needed an earth bending teacher who listened to the earth," Aang explained. "And then I had a vision in a magic swamp, and-"

"What Aang is trying to say is, he's the Avatar. And if he doesn't master Earth Bending soon, he won't be able to fight the Fire Lord," Katara said, cutting the young monk off.

The young girl held up her hand. "Not my problem," she said. "Now, get out of here, or I'll call the guards."

"Now hold on," Sokka said. "We all have to do our part in this war, and your part is to teach Aang earth bending."

The girl stopped in her steps, and I chewed my lip. Suddenly, she turned around, with a scared look on her face. "Guards! Guards, help!"

My eyes widened, and I grabbed Katara's hand, and took off running. We ran back over the wall, panting.

"Well, that didn't work at all," I muttered.

Aang poked his head over the wall, watching two guards hover over the girl. When Aang came back down, he was smiling.

"Do I want to know?" I asked, raising my eyebrow. He just grinned.

Later that evening, Aang led us up to the door of the Bei Fong family. He knocked, and a minute later, a man in a long green robe answered. We told him who we were and why we were there, and he let us in. After we were introduced, Mr and Mrs Bei Fong welcomed us into their home, and let us have dinner with them.

Servants placed food in front of us, and when one of them placed a bowl of soup in front of the girl from earlier, Toph, her father spoke up.

"Blow on it," he said. "It's too hot for her."

"Allow me," Aang said, creating a small tornado, and sending it over to cool down her soup.

Everyone clapped, and I shoved Sokka who was scarfing down his food.

"Avatar Aang," Mrs Bei Fong said, "it's an honor to have you visit us."

"In your opinion, how long do you think the war will last?" her husband asked.

"I'd like to defeat the Fire Lord by the end of the summer," Aang started. Then he turned to Toph. "But I can't do that without finding an earth bending teacher first."

Toph narrowed her eyes.

"Well, Master Yu is the finest teacher in the land," Mr Bei Fong said. "He's been teaching Toph since she was little."

Master Yu wiped his mouth, looking smug.

"Then she must be a great earth bender!" Aang exclaimed. "Probably good enough to teach someone-OW!" Aang jumped up, and then glared at Toph.

I glanced at the young girl, who smiled, and continued eating. A smile tugged my lips as I put two and two together, but quickly stuffed my mouth with food to hide it.

"Toph is still learning the basics," Master Yu said.

"Yes, and sadly, because of her blindness I don't think she will ever become a true master," her father said, looking sadly at his daughter. Sokka stopped eating long enough to give me a confused glance. I shrugged, just as confused as he was.

"Oh, I'm sure she's better than you think she is," Aang said before suddenly flying forward, his face landing in his bowl. I choked, trying to hide my laughter, and Katara patted my back, looking at me worriedly.

Toph was still eating calmly, with a soft smile on her face. Aang wiped the food off his face, then sneezed, sending food flying all across the room.

A bowl landed on Toph's face, and she stood abruptly. "What's your problem?" she shouted.

"What's your problem?" Aang yelled, also standing.

Sokka, Katara and I all looked at each other worriedly, but the Bei Fongs and Master Yu looked calm.

"Well," Mrs Bei Fong said, "should we move to the living room for dessert then?"

I know this part is short, but I will post the next part of this chapter either later tonight or tomorrow. For updates, covers, or wanna see my ideas for future stories, follow me on Twitter at @CreativityFlow

Or, if you want, you can follow the Twitter I have for my social life, which has nothing to do with my writing, at @MusicalKaelyn




And who misses Zuko?? I do.

Hmm.... Maybe I should do his POV...? ;)

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