Chapter Sixteen

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/////Zuko's POV\\\\\ 

We were on a boat, treading through the water. I stared at the waves passing by and thought of Sam, and how terrified she was when she was on my ship with me. She would hate this right now. But when we were in the North Pole, she seemed calmer around the water - how was she now? Was she still scared? 

"Who would've thought, after all these years," Uncle thought aloud, "I'd return to the scene of my greatest military disgrace... as a tourist!" He put on a hat, that I have no clue where he got from. 

I sighed, frustrated. "Look around," I told him. "We're not tourists. We're refugees." I angrily took a sip of the soup that was provided, but quickly spit it out. "I'm sick of eating rotten food, of sleeping in the dirt. I'm tired of living like this." I put my head down. I truly was tired, and I don't know how much longer I could take this peasant life. 

"Aren't we all," a voice said, and I turned to see a guy with tan skin, and dark hair. He wore what looked like makeshift armor, and had a piece of wheat hanging out of his mouth. "My names Jet, and these are my Freedom Fighters; Smellerbee, and Longshot," he introduced. His partners were very different from each other. One was very tall, and the other very short. 

"Hey," the shorter one said - I think Smellerbee - and the other - Longshot? - just nodded. 

I turned my head before answering. "Hello." 

"Here's the deal," Jet said, stepping closer, "I hear the captain's eating like a king, while us refugees have to feed off his scraps. Doesn't seem fair, does it?" 

"What sort of king is he eating like?" Uncle asked, and I rolled my eyes. Silly old man. 

"The fat, happy kind," Jet answered, and even my stomach rumbled in response. "Do you want to help us... liberate some food?" 

I stared at the slop in the bowl that was in my hands, before throwing it out into the water. "I'm in." 

Jet smirked, and I started to wonder if I had made the right choice.



Later that night, Jet, Smellerbee and I made our way to the kitchens. We passed a window, and I saw food that I know hasn't been served to the refugees. Jet was right, the captain had to be eating twice his weight with all that food. 

I glanced around, and when I made sure there were no guards around, I nodded to Jet and Smellerbee. The short Freedom Fighter ran to take cover while she stood watch, and I used my dual swords to pry the kitchen door open. 

Quickly, we grabbed as much food as we could, and stuffed them into pillow cases we had taken from our small 'rooms'. 

"Guards!" Smellerbee hissed from outside, and with a nod, Jet and I dashed out the door. We made our way to the balcony, where Longshot was waiting below. When he saw us, he shot an arrow with rope attached to the railing. After sending the food ahead, I let the others go ahead of me, before following. 

The arrow and rope was gone before the guard even turned the corner. 

We made our way back to Uncle, and the rest of the refugees, and Jet took over, handing out the food to the people that sat on the ground. The rest of us gathered in a circle, sitting on our knees. 

"So, Smellerbee," Uncle said, "that's an unusual name for a young man." 

"Maybe that's because I'm not a man, I'm a girl!" She quickly jumped up, and I saw panic on Uncle's face.

"Oh, now I see!" he called. "It's a beautiful name for a lovely girl!" 

Longshot quietly stood up, and walked over to his friend. 

"Nice cover up," I smirked, and Uncle Iroh glared at me. 

Before he could respond, Jet walked over, and sat down. "From what I heard, people eat like this every night in Ba Sing Se. I can't wait to set my eyes on the giant wall." 

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