After the merge -the job-

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Skylor got up at dawn. She had a big day ahead of her. She got up, did her hair up, and adjusted her bandages. After grabbing her bag and putting her dagger in their sheaths, she put up her mask that covered her mouth and pulled her hood over her head. Skylor walked out of the cave entrance and slid down small mountainside to the ground.

She walked into the crossroads. A central hub that was created during the merge. She was supposed to meet with a client today. As she walked towards the meeting spot, she passed by that red curtained room again. The pictures of the ninja she once knew were in there. Put as memory of their sacrifice. Skylor missed them, everyone did. There were some reports of them being seen. They were always rumours, though.

She kept walking until she found the shop she was looking for. Unlike the rest of the shops, this place was boarded up and without lights. The door swung open easily, though.

Inside it was dark, aside from a candle on a table illuminating a man. Skylit could also see two soldiers behind him. He looked up from his knife he was fiddling with. He almost looked a little surprised to see her. Maybe he didn't expect she'd show.

"Oh-! Uh... you're  early." He said, skylor nodded and grabbed the other chair. She sat across from him.

"Better early than late." Skylor said, she crossed her arms. "You're Rapton, right?"

He stabbed the table with his knife.

"Yep! Rapton from the claws of imperium, professional dragon hunter." He said.

"Uh, okay..." Skylor said. This 'Rapton' guy seemed kinda full of himself. "Anyways, What's the job?"

He shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

"Yeahhh... well... sometimes great dragon hunters need... uh... help sometimes." He said. "I need you to capture a dragon for the claws of imperium. Usually they'd send me but... I'm busy, and from what I've heard your pretty good at capturing people..."

Skylor nodded.

"Do you have a picture or a description?" Skylor asked. Rapton nodded and pulled up a few photos. One of the small grey dragon and a picture of two kids.

"That's the dragon, and that's the kids that it's travelling with." Rapton said. "We don't need the kids. But we need the dragon. Alive."

Skylor nodded, taking the photos.

"When will I be paid?" Skylor asked. Rapton took a box from under the table.

"We'll give you half now, and when you give us the dragon we'll give you the rest of the money." Rapton said. Skylor checked the box out and put in in her back bag. "You should have five days to grab it for us."

"Sure." Skylor said. She stood up and pushed in her chair. As she walked out she heard the Rapton guy call out to her.

"The claws of imperium thank you." He said. Skylor saw him struggle to get his knife out of the table as she left. He was definitely an interesting character. But this place was full of interesting characters.

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