The Merge.

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Skylor stirred to a weird hum. But her eyes shot open when she heard a large crash outside. Followed by more chaotic noise. She sat up in bed and whipped off her covers. Was she being attacked? What was going on?

She jumped out of bed and grabbed her few things she had brought with her. She slung her backpack over her back and opened the sliding doors. The sky was a passionate purple and it looked like someone had cut the sky, thing fell from rifts into the sea. Skylor turned to run out her door. She opened the door and gasped in shock as a large rock smashed down into the lobby of the temple, breaking the roof and crushing the balconies. She could feel small tears forming at the corners of her eyes as Chen's throne was crushed under the large boulder that came from nowhere.

"No, no, no!" She whispered.

She turned in fear and ran the other direction. She jumped out of her balcony. She landed on the dirt and ran away from the temple. She had to get it to the boat.

She was running down the dock. The water  was rising in places and acting peculiar. She had to jump across pieces of the broken dock. She leaped towards the steam boat but was blasted back by a force of energy coming from one of the rifts.

She flew through the windy air, falling backwards into a rift. She yelled in surprise as she fell into a new world.

Skylor woke up in a strange sandy valley, there was no sign of vegetation for miles. Skylor hit her back as she fell and she couldn't move. She watched the portal that brought her disappear. She looked up in the sky as the purple and pink sky filled with rifts and portals. She had lost everything she had worked for.

Skylor should have just stayed in Ninjago.

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