After the merge -Tech is an element?-

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"And then, the water froze and she slid across it." Kai continued.

"Wait..." Wyldfire said. "...but how could she touch Zane unless..."

"Exactly." Kai said. "Skylor was the spy."

Wyldfire gasped and fell back in shock.

"NO!" She said. "H-how..?!"

Kai laughed at her.

"B-but... she didn't have the tattoo!" Wyldfire said.

"She used Camille's powers." Kai said. "Genius, right?"

Wyldfire shook Kai's shoulders.


"Woah-!" He said. "I'm going to! Just stop shaking me for a second!"

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"Hi, I'm Sora." The girl with the cat ears said. "Um, you're Skylor, right?"

Skylor nodded.

"So, um... yeah, anyways, I'm Sora. Apparently I'm an elemental master, but I can only use it when Riyu gives me power and stuff."

"Right, sorry." Skylor said.

"N-no! I was just giving context." She said. "I've been in a similar situation as you, sort of."

"Oh." Skylor said. "Hm."

The girl looked nervous. Maybe Skylor was being cold.

"Arin says you're Lloyd's friend." Sora says.

"Yeah, I've helped the ninja over the years." Skylor said. "I'm an elemental master, too."

"Yeah, I remember." Sora said. "You can absorb powers, right?"

Skylor nodded.

"Oh wait!" Sora said. "Could you do me? I need to test if it really is a power or not, I'm afraid that Lloyd could be wrong about me."

"Yeah, of course, I'd love to help, what's the power?"

The girl seemed hesitant about it, but she cleared her throat.

"...Uhm... it's tech." She mumbled.

"Really? I had no idea tech was an element!" Skylor said. "I've seen metal and music, even, but never tech."

The girl shrunk back a bit.

"Yeah I-... me neither, it's weird, right?"

Skylor shook her head.

"That came out wrong, it just means it's unique. I'm quite knowledgeable about the elements, I grew up studying them."

The girl nodded. She seemed unsure about Skylor, but at least she wasn't attacking her. Not like that Wyldfire kid. For some reason, Skylor hated that they had gotten in the wrong foot.

Skylor and Sora stood before a box of screws and bolts in the cave under the monastery, where the bounty was stationed.

"So when I get Riyu's powers, I am able to make things without thinking, you know?" Sora said.

"Hm, let me see."

Skylor hovered her hand above Sora's shoulder and Sora nodded, allowing her to touch her.

When she did, Skylor felt a prickly chill shoot through her arm.

"Ooh." Skylor said.

"What, what happened?" Sora asked.

"Each element feels different. Yours is cold and tingly." Skylor said. "Well it confirms you have an elemental power!"

"Yeah, maybe."

Skylor thrust her arm towards the box and the pieces of metal rose, they stuck together like magnets, Skylor created a little stick figure out of metal, when she released, it crumbled into parts again.

"Hey, it worked!" Skylor said. "You-..."

Sora looked disappointed. Sad, even.

"What's going on?" Skylor asked.

"If you can do it so easily without power from Riyu, then the problem must be me. There's something wrong with me..."

"No way, that's not it, you're just on your own journey, you know?" Skylor said. "When I was little, I couldn't even use my element because there was no one I could touch that had powers. I was told I was special, but it frustrated me knowing I'd have to wait for years to actually use my powers."

"Really?" Sora asked. "That sucks..."

"Yeah I lived on an island with my dad for a while. I inherited the island just a few years ago."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be, he pretended to love me, and turned me into a source for power, he didn't actually care about me." She said. "But I did love the temple on the island. I lost that during the merge."

"Can I be sorry for that?"

"Yeah." Skylor laughed halfheartedly. "That, I will definitely miss."

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