After the merge -confusion-

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The one in red stopped and held his fists up. But he also stopped fighting.

"How do you know my-..." he said suspiciously. 

He thought for a minute.

"...uh... I mean, who?" He asked. "Who's this 'Kai' guy?"

Skylor saw through the act and her jaw dropped behind her mask. It was kai. He was alive.

To his surprise, skylor dropped her hands completely and pulled down her mask.

"Kai! It's me!" She said. He tilted his head to the side.

"Uh... who are you..?" He asked. He also slowly dropped his arms. Skylor took her hood down and it was clear he recognized her now.

"Skylor?!" He said. He pulled down his own hood revealing his face. He and her shared a smile of surprise and awe. The two rushed forward and embraced.

"I haven't seen you in so long!" Skylor said. "I thought you were dead!"

"Really? I thought you were dead!" Kai replied.

"I'm not the one with a memorial in the middle of the crossroads." Skylor laughed.

"I have a what?!" Kai laughed. "Wait we have a memorial dedicated to us?"

"Yeah but it doesn't matter." Skylor said. "You're not dead."

"Neither are you." Kai said.

They stopped hugging and Kai smiled at skylor, she also returned the smile. But then he frowned.

"Wait..." he said. Skylor was a little worried. What happened?

"Why did you steal riyu?!" He exclaimed.

"The dragon thing?" Skylor asked.

"Yes! Do you know what the claws of imperium are going to do to that dragon?!" Kai said. He grabbed Skylors arms tightly. "What were you thinking?!"

"I-... I don't know! I didn't realize it was yours!" She said with panic in her voice..

"But what if it wasn't? Don't you remember? Dragons are our friends!" He said. "Did you forget?"

"He gave me money-" skylor began. Kai interrupted her.

"Money?! Is that what's important?" He asked. He eyes grew wide. "How many dragons have you taken for him??"

Kai shook her arms. He wouldn't let her break eye contact.

"None! I swear! This was the first one!" Skylor said. "I swear I have a good reason."

"Well I assume that but your situation makes it hard to believe." He said. Releasing her hands and throwing his hands into the air. "Why did you pick money over morals??"

"Because I needed money, Kai." Skylor said. "I don't have my noodle business since the merge because... why buy noodles when dinners from other worlds are just a few steps away?!"

Skylor crossed her arms. She glared at Kai

"So I used my other set of skills, I became a bounty hunter." She said. "It's a job that pays well, and a job I'm good at."

Kai looked a little guilty about blaming her blindly as she talked down to him.

"What else was I supposed to do anyways?" Skylor said. "Oppose all of imperium? Get myself arrested?"

Kai looked at the ground. Then back at Skylor.

"Yeahhh... I guess You're right. But still-"

"Yeah, I know. I'm not going to capture dragons again." Skylor said flatly. Kai got quiet.

"Thanks, I'm sorry. That's not how I thought a reunion would go." Kai said. Skylors face broke into a smile.

"Yeah well...-" skylor said. "At least-"

Skylor was interrupted as she was pulled into a tornado of green spinjitzu, she was span around a few times before being spat out the top and flung onto the ground. Kai ran over to the one in green clothes.

"Lloyd! Stop!" He said as the other masked one stopped spinning."It's Skylor!"

He widened his eyes and stepped back.

"Oh my gosh, it is!!" He said, taking his hood down. It really was Lloyd. Both of them helped Skylor up. "Skylor, I'm sorry, I didn't think it was you."

"Skylor! Why were you giving Riyu to Rapton?!" Lloyd asked. Kai shook his head.

"She can explain to you later, what happened with Rapton?" Kai asked Lloyd. Skylor dusted herself off.

"He got away, with Riyu..." Lloyd sighed. The two kids came up behind him, a little out of breath.

"He got away, again." Sora said. "Did you get the hunter?"

Kai and Lloyd looked at Skylor. Then back at Sora.

"Well, not exactly." Lloyd said. "The bounty hunter turned out to be an old friend of ours."

The boy, Arin, gasped.

"I recognize you!" He said. "Uhh... scarlet?"

Skylor shook her head.

"Skylor." She corrected. " recognize me?"

"He's a bit of a ninja nerd." Sora said. "He gets like this."

Arin grinned and pointed at skylors face.

"Aha! That's right! Skylor Chen! Elemental master of amber!" Arin said. "She turned against her father when he tried to take away all the elemental masters' powers!"

Skylor nodded, sounded about right.

"Wait, so you control amber? That doesn't seem like a great power." Sora said. Skylor laughed.

"No, the elemental power of amber is to absorb any elemental power of anyone I touch." Skylor said. "Almost any power, anyways."

"Okay that is way cooler." Sora said.

"I know right?! One of the four most powerful!" Arin said. "Besides fire, earth, lightning, ice, and energy, there are four big ones. Amber is one of them."

"I'm guessing you'll tell me later?" Sora asked.

"Most likely." Arin answered.

Lloyd smiled and turned to Skylor.

"So why do you-"

"Is it okay if I tell you later? It's getting dark." Skylor said. Lloyd nodded.

"We should get back to the monastery to make plans on how to get riyu back. By then you should be able to tell us."

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