It's Killing Both of You

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A/N: Hiya guys! Sorry this update is a little late, I've just been a bit busy with things. Hopefully by the new year things will settle down a bit. Nothing much happens in this chapter admittedly, it's more of a "gateway" for the next chapter. But I still hope you all enjoy~!


Five Days Later

" Dracaena Formation!" William shouted as he placed his hand against the ground. Tree roots sprung up and began to capture and bind the mages that were trying to get away. He took a deep breath as he stood back up and walked over to the struggling mages.

" You won't be able to break those bonds no matter how much you fight them, so it's best you just give up now." William told them seriously, but then he heard a slight rustling noise on his right.

" Take this you stupid Magic Knight!" A voice suddenly shouted from the shadows, and he turned to see a cloaked mage, grimoire out, rushing towards him.

But before William could react he watched a dark magic spell fly past him and connect with the mages chest, knocking him to the ground and rendering him unconscious.

" Hey Vangeance, aren't you supposed to be the one watching my back, not the other way around?" Yami said as he casually walked up to the Golden Dawn Captain.

" Ah, you're right, my apologies." William said as he created more limbs to bind the unconscious mage.

" Captain! Are you alright?!" Asta and Alecdora shouted in unison as they ran up to Yami and William, and both Captain's nodded.

" Yeah we're fine. Just take these idiots to the others so we can take them back to the Capital." Yami said as he pulled out a cigarette and put it in his mouth. Alecdora glared a bit before looking at his Captain, who nodded in agreement.

Alecdora and Asta did as their Captain's said and grabbed the mages and began to take them towards their camp. William went to follow, but was stopped by Yami.

" Vangeance, what's going on with you? Normally a weak mage like that wouldn't have caught you off guard." He said after taking a drag of his cigarette, William shrugged a bit.

" I guess I'm just having an off day." He replied simply, but the other man shook his head as he pulled the cigarette out of his mouth and blew out the smoke.

" For the last five days? Even a total stranger would know that's a load of crap coming from you." Yami pointed out as he crossed his arms. " So what's got you all distracted? Did you and the wife have a fight?" He frowned as William scoffed.

" 'Wife'...there is no wife, at least not anymore,'' William turned to face him. '' Zera broke off our engagement, saying it was nothing more than just a silly joke. But I'm sure you already knew that."

Yami winced slightly at William's cold and harsh words, but he took another drag of his cigarette and softly blew the smoke out before answering.

" Yeah, I knew."

" For how long? Since the beginning? Did you and Zera plan it before I even went to the flower shop, or was it more spur of the moment?"

" From the beginning, and it was more of a spur of the moment kind of thing."

" Then why didn't you tell me?! Why did you let me believe that it was an arranged marriage and that she loved me?!" William shouted angrily, a fiery rage burning in his eyes.

" I did try to tell you. At the Captain's meeting the day after you and Zera met. But you wouldn't listen," Yami explained, his voice remaining calm and even as he spoke. " And the next time we met up I planned on telling you, but you were so happy and excited about marrying her that I couldn't do it."

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