This Wasn't How it Was Supposed to Go

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A/N: Hiya guys!'s been a while since I've updated this series, and I apologize for that. I've just been working on other things, and lately I've been suffering from a really bad case of creative burn out so...i haven't been writing much of anything 😅. I have been playing around with some AU's but I haven't written anything much for it 😆. Also, I will be adding two extra chapters to this series, so it will be 22 instead of 20. And I hope you all enjoy~!


This wasn't how the date was supposed to go. It was supposed to be fun and turn into a lovely memory.

But instead, the entire time she and William were on their date, Zera felt sad and guilty. She did her best to smile and laugh, to joke and tease him like she normally did, but as the night wore on she found it harder and harder to do.

Until he finally took her to the most expensive restaurant in the city, got one of the best and most sought after tables, and let her order whatever she wanted.

" Zera?" She suddenly heard her name called. She blinked a few times as she was pulled out of her thoughts.

" Huh?"

" Are you alright? You seem distracted." He told her softly, his eyes staring down at her plate where she was playing with her food.

" O-Oh, I'm fine! I was just having so much fun today that I forgot to eat. I'm fine, don't worry!" She told him cheerfully, forcing a bright and happy smile onto her face. William looked at her skeptically for a moment, before he sighed.

" I know why you're so on edge tonight," He began softly, his purple eyes staring into hers. He watched as her fork hung mid air between her lips and the plate.

"" She asked softly, her hands trembling slightly as her heart pounded in her chest. He must've finally figured it out...and was now going to confront her about it.

" Yes, it's because you realized why I asked you out tonight," He began, his cheeks turning a slight pink as he looked away sheepishly. " I thought I was better at hiding it, but I guess not..." He suddenly took a deep breath and looked into her eyes again.

" I think I love you Zera. No, actually, I know I love you. When I see you working at the shop or the base, when I see you talking to your flowers as though they're children...when I see the way you smile so happily over the littlest makes my heart feel...warm and full. It's almost overwhelming."

" I think about you all the time. I wonder what you're doing when I'm not there, I wonder if you're eating right and sleeping well...I find myself wanting to finish my missions and my paperwork as quickly as I can so I can get home and see your face..."

" I love you, Zera," William gently reached out and took her hand in his. " and I can't wait until the day that I can officially call you my wife."

The table was silent, the only sound that could be heard was their quiet breathing. Zera stared at him, her heart stopping in her chest before it slowly sank deeper and deeper into her stomach.

His speech, that earnest look in his eye, and that sweet smile that rested on his face was too much...too, too much.

Zera suddenly slipped her hand out of his, her eyes looking away so she wouldn't have to see the hurt and confusion in his eyes. She slowly stood up and walked out onto the balcony of the restaurant, her hands balled into fists as they rested on the cool stone railing.

She couldn't do this anymore, she had wanted to do this tomorrow, to not tarnish tonight's memory...but now it seemed like she had no choice. As she heard William walk out onto the balcony she quickly slipped the engagement ring off her finger and held it in her hand.

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