Trying to be Okay

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A/N: Hiya guys! I'm sorry this chapter took a while, I got a little wrapped up in COTF: Shadows, but hopefully it's worth it! I would say nothing much happens in this chapter, but that would be a lie since there's actually a signifigant devepolment with Zera! Also thank you to thoughtfullyrainy @/loosesodamarble and Koneko_Pi for allowing me to use Solara, Josele, and Briar 🥰!


One Week Later

" Do you think she's inside?"

" I'm pretty sure she is. She isn't at the Golden Dawn's Base, so this is the only other place she could be..."

" Maybe she's asleep?"

The three women, Solara Equinox, Josele Canty, and Briar Rose all stood outside Zera's flower shop with confused and slightly concerned looks.

The three women had grown close after their first meeting a few weeks ago at the wives party. They would go to café's together to have tea, or they would stop by Zera's shop when she was there in order to chat. They were all very good friends.

Briar was a recent addition to their friend group, as she had only arrived in Clover recently. But when the women met through Solara they welcomed her warmly and she became a very good friend.

" Zera! Are you in there?" Solara shouted up towards the window, and her frown deepened as she got no response.

" Should we...throw some small rocks towards the window to get her attention?" Briar suggested as she put a hand under her chin.

" Or I could just kick the door down and open it that way?" Josele suggested, and Solara narrowed her eyes a bit.

" Isn't that called breaking and entering?"

" Yeah? I have to break the door to enter."

Suddenly the window opened and Zera peered her head out over the edge and looked down at her friends.

" What are you guys doing here?" Zera asked with a frown, and the woman looked up at her and blinked in surprise.

She be fine? At least from a distance.

" We came to see you. We went to the Golden Dawn's base but they told us you weren't there, and haven't been for a week, so we wanted to make sure you were alright." Solara told her, and Zera nodded.

" Oh, yeah I'm totally fine! Sorry that I worried you guys!" Zera shouted down with a laugh. " Give me a minute and I'll be right down!" She added as she disappeared from the window. The three women down below looked at each other.

Something was amiss.

A minute or two later they heard the door open and saw their much smaller friend appear on the other side with a bright smile on her face.

" Please come in!" She stepped aside and let her friends walk into the shop.

" Isn't...Isn't the shop busiest at noon? Why do you have it closed up?" Briar asked as she looked around the empty shop, her heart hurting a little bit as she saw a few wilting flowers on the shelves.

" Oh, I just didn't feel like opening the store today," Zera began cheerfully as she began to walk towards the back of the shop. " Let me go make us some tea!"

As soon as she disappeared the others looked at each other again.

" Something is definitely wrong," Josele began as the other two nodded.

" Her smile seems...forced." Solara pointed out as she crossed her arms.

" And her cheerfulness too," Briar agreed softly. " Do you think she and William had a fight?"

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