Spreading the News

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A/N: Hi guys! Here's chapter 3 of Dandelions, I hope you're all enjoying this series 🥰! There's not much in this chapter aside from Zera and William telling everyone and, well, Zera has a battle with her conscience 😂! I hope you all enjoy~!

Also: Neva is my OC in case people were wondering!


The Next Day

As William stood in front of his squad he couldn't help but feel slightly nervous, he hadn't been expecting to share this kind of news with them today, but that's just how things turned out he supposed. He let out a soft sigh before giving them all a small smile.

" Congratulations on another successful mission everyone. You were able to retrieve the magic item from the dungeon and hand it over to the kingdom safely, I'm very proud of you all." William started out, they all thanked him and William nodded.

" Now onto some other news, this is more of a personal announcement, but I felt you should all hear it from me first." William took a deep breath and steeled himself for what would probably be a variety of reactions.

" I'm getting married."

All the Golden Dawn members' heads shot up, their Captain was getting married? So suddenly? They all looked at each other before looking at their Captain, when suddenly David raised his hand.

" Captain, are we allowed to ask questions about this?" William nodded, he imagined they would all have questions and was prepared to answer them.

" Of course, ask whatever you'd like."

William would regret saying that once he heard David's question.

" Soo, are you getting married so suddenly because you got someone pregnant?" All the Golden Dawn members turned to David with a mixture of shock and horror.

William was not prepared for that question, but as he thought about it, it was actually a reasonable question. Usually whenever someone suddenly announces a marriage, it could either be the couple kept their relationship a secret from everyone, the marriage was arranged by the families, or there was an unexpected pregnancy.

" W-What? He said to ask whatever we'd like." David said with a sheepish laugh as everyone shouted at him in disbelief.

" But that's the first question you come up with?!" Klaus nearly shouted.

" Lord Vangeance isn't like that! He wouldn't just have a one night stand with some random stranger!" Alecdora also shouted.

William sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, the last thing he expected from today's meeting was the members of his squad talking about his private life.

" What's her name Captain?" Neva suddenly asked loudly, drawing everyone's attention away from David.

" Where did you meet her sir?" Yuno also asked, the dark haired man and platinum haired woman shared a look between them. They were trying to change the subject.

" Her name is Zera Cassia, and I met her at her flower shop yesterday." William said with a thankful smile, glad the two had changed the subject slightly.

" Yesterday?!" Everyone shouted once again in shock.

" Then Captain, was it an arranged marriage?" Mimosa asked softly, William tilted his head, how could he describe it?

" Somewhat. Yami Sukehiro was one the one who arranged it, although I'm not sure why." He muttered the last part to himself, for some reason that was still a mystery to him.

" The Captain of the Black Bulls arranged it?!" Letiole asked in disbelief. " That sounds very odd coming from him."

" I know, but maybe he knows this Zera woman and thinks she's perfect for the Captain?" Mimosa said softly, the two women shrugged as William cleared his throat again.

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