Epilogue: A Turn of Events

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A/N: Hiya guys! Here it is, the epilogue, I've actually had this written for over a year and I just needed to add onto it 😅. But, the series is done, and I thank all of you for coming on this journey with me! Thank you to my friends, mutuals, followers, commentors, and everyone that has liked/kudo'd/or read this story! You're all amazing, sweet, and supportive...and I just love and appreciate all of you!!


One month later

William silently walked out of the Golden Dawn base and towards the cemetery that laid a few feet away from the main building. It was still within view, but it was secluded as to give those visiting privacy, and those that were resting there eternal peace.

He opened the iron gate with a loud 'squeak', he would have to remind himself to have the gate repaired later, and then he made his way through the dozen or so rows of tombstones and crosses. He nodded his head as he passed them, giving them silent greetings, and promised to greet them properly next time.

But right now he had a date, which he was currently running late for.

He walked at a slightly quicker pace as he came upon his destination. However, as he grew closer and closer, a deep frown appeared on his face.

Something was amiss.

Then he noticed it, and he stopped dead in his tracks. A soft gasp escaped his lips as his purple eyes widened in a mixture of shock, horror, and confusion as he stared at the sight before him.

His wife's grave, where her body had only been put to rest a month ago, was dug up. The casket where her body had been laid was still there, but the lid was open, and her body was missing.

William felt his heart sink to the very depths of his stomach, and his shaky legs gave out from underneath him and he fell to his knees. His breath became labored as he stared at the hole in the ground.

This wasn't right. Zera's grave was completely fine when he visited her yesterday. So what changed? How did this happen? She was fine, and was resting peacefully...so what happened between then and now?

Suddenly, he felt his confusion and shock turn into anger.

He stood up onto his now steady legs, and determinedly made his way back to the Golden Dawn base. His teeth gritted, his hands clenched at his sides, there was only a few people who had access to the Golden Dawn's graveyard:

The Golden Dawn themselves.

He slammed open the doors leading into the base, making those nearby jump in surprise. But then they all froze as the could see their Captain's burning anger, and could feel his angry mana swirling around him before it expanded more and more through the base.

" Gather everyone at the staircase. Right now." He stated calmly and through gritted teeth, he was doing everything in his power to keep his anger under control.

But he wouldn't be able to contain it for much longer.

Soon all the Golden Dawn members gathered in front of the grand staircase and kneeled in front of him as they always did, and finally he let all of his anger out.

" WHO DARED DESECRATE MY WIFE'S FINAL RESTING PLACE?!" He shouted, his normally calm and quiet voice was now loud and full of burning rage. The Golden Dawn members all jumped in fright and their bodies began to tremble.

" S-Sir?" They all questioned, their voices a mixture of confusion and fright.

" I asked which one of you decided to desecrate my wife's grave by digging her up?!" He shouted again, making them all jump and wince a second time.

" Captain, we have no idea-." They tried to explain, but he cut them off.

" Whoever decided to pull this elaborate prank had better step forward now, and bring her back this instant. Because if you don't...I cannot guarantee you'll leave this base alive." He promised, his tone cold and serious, making a chill spread out through the room.

" Since you're all remaining silent, I've decided I'm going to question you all one by one until I have my answers." William said as the room stayed silent, everyone was too nervous and too afraid to speak. So they just...didn't say a word.

For the next 13 hours William questioned every single Golden Dawn member; asking their whereabouts the night before, asking about their alibis, or if they saw anyone suspicious roaming the grounds.

But he came up with nothing.

" Captain, you should rest," Yuno said softly as he walked into his Captain's office. " you've been awake for nearly an entire day...why don't you go see Alistar and let me take over-."

" No," William swiftly cut his Vice Captain off. " I won't stop until I find out what happened to my wife. She's probably alone and scared out there...not knowing where she is or who she's with..." He trailed off, his eyes widening as he realized what he said, he was talking as though his wife were alive instead of dead.

" Sir," Yuno walked over to him, a sad yet understanding look in his eyes as he stared at the man he admired. " You need to rest."

" Not until I find her and bring her home," William repeated, a sniffle escaping him as tears welled up in his eyes. " I need to bring her home. Sooner rather than later." He added, his voice going dry as he stood up and walked past Yuno and towards his door.

" Where are you going?" Yuno asked with a concerned and curious frown on his face, he watched the older man pause.

" There's only one other person I can think of that has the power to resurrect the dead." He said softly as he turned to face the younger man slightly, and Yuno nodded.

" Rades Spirito."

" Exactly. I think I'm going to go pay him a visit, and see what he did with my wife."

" Will you at least see your son before you leave? He hasn't stopped crying for the last 20 minutes...I think he misses you." Yuno called after William, making the man pause again as he walked down the hallway.

" I can't, not right now. Once I bring his mother home and lay her to rest, can I look peacefully into my son's eyes." He told Yuno softly as he continued walking down the hall.

He was going to find her, even if that meant he had to burn down the entire kingdom of Clover all over again. He would find her, make the person that took her pay, and bring her home safely.


Somewhere far, far away...

Where...am I? It's dark, and cold here...

" Are you lost, little one?

I...I think there's somewhere...I need to be?

" There is," The voice in the darkness continued.

My husband...my son...I need to get back to them! They need me!

But...how can I get back to them when I'm-?

" I can help you," The voice suddenly said.

You...can help me?

" I can, all you need to do is take my hand."

Take...your hand?

" Yes."


" You're hesitating? But, I thought you wanted to be with your husband and son again?"

I do...I really, really do.

" Then take my hand, and together we can create a perfect world where you, William, and Alistar can all be together again."

A perfect world...where we can all be together again?

" Yes, that's right."

...Okay...I'll come with you...

" Excellent. William will be so surprised to see you again, Zera Cassia."

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