Kidnapped Part 1

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A/N: This is my first request. Thank you for requesting! I hope you enjoy!

Tess POV (15 years old)
It was a long day at school and I was looking forward to going home, collapsing on the couch, and watching NCIS. As I was walking home, I noticed a dark blue minivan driving slowly behind me. I adjusted my AirPod in my ear and asked Siri to call Jay. In my left hand, I held my apartment key between my fingers and made a fist. Jay taught me to do that in case I was ever attacked so I could hurt the person and get away. Jay's phone went to voicemail. I looked over my shoulder again and the car was gone. I sighed in relief. I guess I was just being paranoid. As I turned the corner onto my street, I felt someone grab me from behind and put a hand over my mouth. I bit down hard on the hand causing the person to let go of me. I started running. I glanced back and saw the guy chasing me. As I looked forward, someone stepped in front of me and I crashed into him, falling backwards.
"HELP!" I screamed.
One of the men kicked me in the side. "I wouldn't do that again." He warned.
"FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!" I shouted. It was another thing Jay taught me- people are more likely to respond to someone shouting 'fire' than 'help'. The man who kicked me grabbed me by my hair and pulled me into a standing position. He punched me in the gut as the blue mini van I saw earlier pulled up beside us. He shoved me in the van and pushed me onto the floor. The two men quickly put duck tape over my mouth and zip ties around my wrists and ankles. They then took my backpack, phone, and keys and one of them left the van. The other threw me into a plastic bin and I heard him taping the lid down. I didn't bother trying to get out. Even if I did get out of the bin I was still tied up and in a van with 2 men who I wouldn't be able to overpower. I heard the van door open and we started driving. My heart pounded through my entire body. I was absolutely terrified. All I wanted were my brothers. I knew that when I didn't check in with them, they would know something was wrong and then Jay and his team would find me. I knew they would. They always get the bad guys. The drive was shorter than I expected. We soon stopped. The van door opened again and then someone opened the trunk. Someone picked up the bin I was in and placed it down on a cart of some sort. I began being wheeled somewhere. It felt like I was in an elevator. Finally, I came to a stop. The lid of the bin was removed and I was taken out. I looked around. It was hard to tell where I was. It was a generic closet. It must've been some kind of janitor's closet at some point but most of the shelves were empty and an old bucket and mop sat in the corner. I stared at my captor as he placed me on the ground. He didn't say a word and stared back at me.
The second man came into the room. He bent in front of me and tore the tape off my mouth. "You'd better not scream. All it will do is piss me off and no one can hear you." He spat. I didn't scream. I was completely frozen with fear. I could feel my heart racing as the man knelt closer to me. "Good" he smirked. He started to stand up. "Keep her here." He said to the first guy as he left the room.
The silent man came closer to me and pulled out a pocket knife, flicking it open. I tried to slide away, getting more nervous. He grabbed one of my wrists and snapped off the zip tie. The freedom didn't last long as he took a new zip-tie and locked my right wrist to a pole on one of the mounted shelves. He then cut the tie off my feet and left the room without saying another word. I was alone. I finally let everything out and began sobbing. I was terrified. I had no idea what these men had planned for me but it couldn't have been good. I just wanted to go home and see Will and Jay. The one bit of hope I was clinging to was that Jay would find me. He had to.

Will POV
My shift ended and I hopped in my car to head home. Jay texted me and Tess saying that he'd be home late. I called Tess to let her know I was on my way home but she didn't answer. I shrugged it off figuring she was probably in the shower or on the phone. Once I got to the apartment, I unlocked the door. "Hey, T!" I called. "I'm home!" I saw her backpack haphazardly tossed in the front hall. "Tess?" I called again as I approached her room. I lightly tapped on the door and opened it. She wasn't there. I turned to the bathroom and saw it empty too. I began to panic. My mind was racing and I couldn't help but think something terrible had happened. I quickly called her cellphone. I got more nervous when I heard Tess's ringtone from inside the apartment. I followed the chimes into the living room where her phone was laying on the couch. I wasted no time in calling Jay.

I was sitting at my desk processing paperwork on our latest arrest. We had taken down a big player in a gang responsible for dealing heroin laced with fentanyl, which had already led to multiple deaths. My phone rang and I answered it quickly.
"Halstead" I said.
"I can't find her. She isn't here. I don't know where she is." Will sounded panicked.
"What?" I asked. I assumed he was referring to Tess but I needed more details to understand what he was trying to say.
"Tess" Will stated.
"I got that, what do you mean you don't know where she is?" I followed up.
Will took a breath. "I came home and she isn't in the apartment. Her backpack is on the floor and her phone is on the couch but she isn't here. She's missing."
"We'll be right there." I hung up the phone and walked into Voight's office, ignoring the stares from my coworkers. "Tess is missing." That was all I needed to say before Voight mobilized the whole team and we were on the way to my apartment. I rushed inside and saw Will anxiously standing in the kitchen.
"Jay" he sighed with relief. I've never seen Will look as scared as he did in the moment.
I walked over and hugged my brother, something we did only on rare occasions. "We'll find her. Adam and Kim are surveying the area and Antonio and Kevin are getting a hold of security footage from the street." I told him. Will didn't say anything, but nodded in response.
"Doesn't look there's any forced entry" Hailey said, coming into the kitchen where Will and I were standing.
"I've got nothing outside either" Hank said as he entered the room. "Have you tried getting in touch with her friends?"
Will nodded. "That's what I did right after calling Jay. Her two best friends left school with her but that was it."
I put my hands on his hips and shook my head. "I told you we shouldn't let her walk home alone."
Will rolled his eyes. "Really? Now?"
"When else!" I shouted. "If you had listened to me then maybe we'd know where our little sister is!"
"Enough." Hank said firmly. "Fighting isn't going to help us find Tess."
"What is?" Will asked, wanting to be helpful.
"Anyone have it out for her?" Hank asked.
I scoffed. "She's 15. The people who have something against her are jealous that she's a better dancer than they are. Not someone who would do something like this." I could tell Hank didn't appreciate my sarcasm but, he let it slide given the situation.
"What about the case you're working on?" Will asked.
I shared a look with Hailey and Hank. I thought back to the guy we arrested earlier. When we were putting him in the car he told me, "this is a mistake detective. Take me away and you don't know what will be taken from you." My eyes widened as I remembered this detail. At the time I brushed it off as a blind threat from an angry criminal going to jail. Now I wasn't so sure. "Uh, we gotta go." I said turning to the door. Hailey and Hank were confused but followed my lead.
"Jay? Why? What's going on?" Will walked behind us.
I took a deep breath. I didn't want to tell my brother my job might be the reason Tess is missing. I also didn't want to admit it to myself. "We have to look into something." I told him truthfully.
"Should I come?" Will asked.
"No. Stay here in case she comes back. I'll send Adam to be with you when he's done." Hank told him.
Will nodded. "Jay?" I looked at him. "Be careful." I saw the worry in his eyes.
"I will, man." I said solemnly as we left the apartment and headed to the district.

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