Sick and Snowed In Part 3

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Will POV
Jay and I were sitting in the kitchen while Tess slept. Suddenly, we heard a loud thud. We both rushed into the hall and saw Tess lying on the ground. Jay froze for a second while I immediately got on the ground next to her.
"Tess!" I put my hand on her shoulder. She opened her eyes and groggily sat up. "Slowly." I guided her into a seated position. "You okay?" I asked. Her face was flushed and her back was damp with sweat. Her fever must've gone up.
"Sorry" she muttered.
"Stop saying that. You're sick." Jay reminded her, now kneeling across from her. Tess nodded but avoided eye contact with both of us. "Let's get you off the ground, yeah?" Jay looked at me, as if to ask permission for Tess to stand up. I gave a slight nod and held out a hand to help Tess get up. I guided her into the living room to assess her. Once she was sitting on the couch, I grabbed my medical bag.
"Really?" Tess eyed me.
"Yup. I'm a doctor. I treat sick people. And you are sick." I handed her the thermometer, which she placed under her tongue. I took out my stethoscope and BP cuff and wrapped it around her arm. The thermometer beeped just as I deflated the cuff. I sighed.
"What is it?" Jay asked. He knew my sigh wasn't one of relief.
"Fever is 103 after the Tylenol, BP is low, and heart rate is high." I told him. Jay waited for me to explain. "She's pretty sick. Most likely some virus. She's probably dehydrated too."
"What do we do?" Jay asked sounding scared.
"Honestly, I'd like to take her to Med and get her some IV fluids." I looked over to the window where I could see the snow still coming down. "But that doesn't seem like an option."
"Will I be ok?" Tess spoke up.
"Of course, baby," I reassured her. "We've just got to get you to drink some more and how about another bath?" Tess groaned. "I know you'd rather stay in bed. But as I said, I'm a doctor and I treat sick people." I joked. Tess didn't appreciate it. She started quietly crying again. "Hey, you'll be okay." I put my arm around her and pulled her into a hug.
"I know" she sniffled. "I just wanna feel better now." I looked at Jay, feeling helpless.
"Hey" Jay knelt in front of Tess. "How about we skip the bath for now? We can make you another smoothie and then go lay back down in my bed, yeah?" Tess nodded and wiped her tears away. "Good." Both Jay and I stood up but Tess didn't move. "You coming?" Jay asked.
"Don't wanna move" Tess moaned. Jay picked her up and carried her to bed as I made the smoothie.

Tess POV
Jay carried me back to his room and I cuddled up next to him in bed. I always felt safest when I was with Jay. Will came back in with a smoothie and bottle of water. I gratefully took the smoothie and drank it quickly. I didn't realize how thirsty I was. Will turned on the Great British Baking Show.
"Alright, time for more meds." Will said after the second episode. He handed me the water and Tylenol which I swallowed. "I also think it's time for bed." I couldn't argue. Even though I had taken naps, I was still very tired. Jay and Will helped me get to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I did, however, kick them out when I had to pee. "Ready for bed?" Will asked when I came out of the bathroom.
I nodded. "Can I sleep in your room?" I asked Jay.
"Where else would you sleep?" Jay smiled. He wrapped his arm around me and led me back to his room. I crawled back into bed.
"Good night Tiny T." Will said as he pulled the covers over me. "I hope you feel better tomorrow." He told me.
"Goodnight, Tessy. I'll be in later." Jay tried to say.
"No." I stated adamantly. I didn't feel good and the purpose of sleeping in Jay's room was to be with Jay. "Stay with me. I don't want to be alone." I pouted. I didn't have to ask twice.
"Silly me, why would I ever think of leaving my sick little sister." Jay said lightly. He got into the bed next to me and I laid close to him so I could feel his body. Even though I still felt sick, I was grateful to have my big brothers there to help me feel better.

A/N: And done! Hope you enjoyed. Sorry if the ending was a little abrupt. I have another request I am working on but after that need more so please send them to me. Thanks for reading and favoriting!

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