Appendicitis Part 2

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Will POV
Given the fact that Tess was in severe pain and incontinent at the moment, I ended up calling an ambulance for her. I helped her slide on a shirt and shorts before leaving. Once in the ED, Tess was back in the bathroom.
Ethan came into the room. "Where's your sister?" He asked, slightly confused.
"Bathroom. She's had diarrhea since she woke up at 7." I told him. "Nausea but no vomiting. I did a brief assessment and she has guarding and rebound tenderness." Tess slowly shuffled back into the room. She was hunched over and obviously in pain. I helped her onto the bed and she immediately rolled onto her side and pulled her knees up to her chest.
"Hey Tess. Will told me what's been going on today." Ethan recapped everything with Tess to make sure he had the whole story. "Don't be mad at me but I've got to look at your stomach, ok?" Tess groaned but rolled onto her back. Ethan's exam revealed the same as mine. "Alright. All done. I'd like to get a CT so we can see what's going on inside. Sound good?" I nodded.
"Can I have something for the pain? Please." Tess choked out.
"Of course." Ethan told her. He left the room and I took a seat next to the bed.
"Still hurts I take it?" I asked.
Tess glared at me. "It feels like someone is pressing my insides in a vice." She complained. "Did you call Jay?"
I nodded. "I told him not to worry just yet. I'll call him after the CT."
The nurse came in with anti nausea and pain meds for Tess. After the meds, Tess finally stopped writhing around and seemed to relax. "A little better?" I asked softly.
Tess nodded. "Now I'm just exhausted and drugged."
"Take a nap." I told her. Tess didn't need to be told twice and quickly fell asleep.


Tess POV
I was finally feeling better with the pain medication. My body had released everything it had so I was able to stay in bed rather than the bathroom.
About an hour after I had the CT, Dr. Choi came into the room. "Hey. How're you feeling?" He asked.
"Really grateful for drugs" I told him.
Dr. Choi chuckled. "I have the results of the CT. It does look like it's your appendix." Will sighed and I looked at him, with fear. "I've paged the surgical team who will come by and take a look at you. For now, I'm going to start you on some IV antibiotics. You have any questions?" He asked me. I was too overwhelmed to even think of a question. I shook my head.
"I want Rhodes to do the surgery." Will said.
"I can page him but that isn't usually..." Dr. Choi began.
"I know" Will cut him off. "But he's the best and this is my sister." Dr. Choi nodded and left the room.
"Will I be ok?" I asked my brother.
"Of course kiddo. Some antibiotics and they'll cut that thing out of you and you'll be fine." Will smiled at me. He didn't seem scared, which made me feel slightly less anxious. "I'll be right back. I'm going to call Jay." Will went into the hall and shortly returned. "He'll be here any second. Even though I told him you were ok, I heard his sirens going." He laughed.
Will was right. Not even 5 minutes later, Jay came bursting into the room. "T, how are you? You okay?" He panicked.
"I'm fine" I told him. Jay looked at Will for medical confirmation.
Will nodded. "She's okay. She'll be okay." He told him.
"Knock knock" Connor stuck his head in the room and slowly entered. "See that you've gotten yourself into some trouble again." He said jokingly. "Based on the labs and CT, definitely looks like it's gotta come out." He told us. "Choi mentioned you wanted me?" He looked at Will.
Will nodded. "You're the best surgeon I know. I know it's just an appy but it's my sister."
"I respect that." Connor said. "I'm just going to look you over, alright?" He directed at me. I nodded as he listened to my heart and lungs. When he started palpating my stomach, I winced in pain.
"Ok, that hurts" I groaned.
Connor pulled back his hand. "Sorry. I'll go see about getting you an OR." He left.
I immediately began picking at my cuticles. I logically knew that I would be okay but there was that little part of me that feared something could go wrong.
"Don't stress" Will said, noticing my anxious habit. "They're just going to do 3 little incisions and remove your appendix and you'll be fine." He reassured me. I nodded and hoped he was right.
Four hours later, I was prepped for surgery and was waiting in the pre-op area. Will stood next to me and gently rubbed my shoulder.
"Is it gonna hurt?" I asked him.
"Not as bad as this morning. Plus, you'll have pain meds. I know how much you love those." He smiled. I didn't react to his teasing- I wasn't in the mood.
"Alright. Ready to go?" A nurse asked. I nodded. I stood up and gave Will a hug before following the nurse into the operating room.
"Hi Tess, you're going to hop up here and lay down on your back for me." Connor said. I did as I was told and stared up at the big lights. "We're going to give you some medicine to help you fall asleep through this mask. Just take slow deep breaths." The mask was placed on my face and I inhaled deeply. By my third breath, my eyes were closing. I was asleep.
I woke up what felt like seconds after I fell asleep. I was in a hospital bed. Jay and Will were sitting in chairs next to me. "Hi" I croaked.
"Hey" Will smiled. Both Jay and Will stood up and came over to me.
"How're you doing?" Jay asked.
I was tired and achey and felt weird. "Funny." I told him.
"That would probably be the anesthesia. It'll wear off." Will told me.
Connor pulled back the curtain and came over. "I thought I heard voices over here." He said. "How do you feel?"
I shrugged. "Drugged, I guess."
"That's alright. You'll be back to normal soon," he told me. "Surgery went as good as it could have. We'll probably keep you here until the morning so we can monitor you and give you the antibiotics but then you'll be good to go. Sound ok?" I nodded. "Any questions?" He looked between me, Jay, and Will. None of us did so Connor left us alone.
"You in any pain?" Will asked.
"A little sore. Not as bad as before though." I answered honestly.
"Let me know if it gets worse, alright?" Will replied.
"Geez, you can just be her brother, Dr. Halstead." Jay teased, causing me to smile. "There we go" Jay smiled at me. "That's the happy Tess we know and love."
I was thankful to finally be feeling better. I was also happy to know that, without my appendix, I never would have to go through something like that again.

A/N: Thank you for reading! I am working on a couple requests but am always open to more so let me know what you'd like to see!

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