Kidnapped Part 3

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Tess POV
I again awoke to the door opening.
"Wake up" the man said loudly as he approached me. "Drink." He placed another bottle next to me. I eyed it. The past two times he had given me water, I felt tired and weird. I was starting to think there was something in the water.
"No thank you." I said politely.
"Drink." the man repeated. I shook my head and held the water bottle for him to take back. "You want a repeat of earlier?" He glared at me. I didn't move. The guy got down next to me and tore the bottle from my hand. He forcefully grabbed the top of my hair and pulled my head backwards, slamming it against the wall. "Drink." He shoved the bottle in my mouth and I struggled to not choke. Despite trying to spit out as much as I could, I definitely ingested some. "Damn." The man sounded frustrated. "You made things much harder." He stormed out and slammed the door behind him. My head was starting to ache, but not as bad as I had expected. My wrist hurt less too. I was feeling sleepy. What was in the water?

It had been nearly 8 hours since Tess went missing and it was approaching midnight. Everyone was still at the district working, except for Kim whose turn it was to stay with Will. The kidnapper called me once more around 9:30. After refusing his offer again, he told me I wouldn't hear anything else from him until the morning. We had a list of Juarez's relatives and the one brother he had in the gang was clean. He had two cousins in the gang as well, one who was out of town and the other, James Medina, we couldn't locate. We believed he had Tess. We just had to find him.
I was running his bank records to try and establish a general area where this guy frequented. I put another point on my map and sighed. It was scattered. It seemed like this guy didn't stick to one area.
"Looks like you need this." Hailey said as she placed a cup of coffee on my desk.
"Thanks" I nodded at her and took a sip. "I don't know how much longer I can wait" I whispered.
"What do you mean?" Hailey asked, concerned. I glanced around the room. Everyone was busy with their work but peered up every few seconds to see if I was going to break. I stood up and gestured for Hailey to follow me to the locker room.
"If we don't find her by the time the kidnapper calls again, I'm going to agree to the trade." I told Hailey once we were alone.
Hailey sighed. "Jay, that isn't up to you. Hank would never allow it."
"That's why I'm not telling him." I told her. I knew Hank would disapprove but I also knew I needed my sister back.
Hailey smiled sympathetically. "I know you do. We all want her back too. And we will find her, Jay. I promise." Hailey gently squeezed my hand. I nodded and hoped she was right.
I heard someone try to open the door and then knock. "You guys okay?" It was Antonio. I nodded at Hailey who opened the door.
"We're good. What's up?" Hailey asked.
"We've got a lead. An address of a school that is closed down. Juarez's uncle used to work there. We think that's where our suspect is." Antonio told us. Hailey and I quickly followed Antonio out of the building.

Tess POV
It was difficult but I managed to stay awake. I felt nauseous. There was definitely something in the water. The man opened the door again.
He angrily stormed over to me. He grabbed my good wrist and tied it to the pole.
"I don't know why you had to make this so difficult." He grumbled. He pulled a syringe out of his pocket and grabbed my right arm.
"No! Please! Stop!" I tried to slide back and get away but it was no use. I couldn't do much with my free arm, given the pain in my wrist.
"Stop squirming" he growled. He put my wrist in the ground and knelt on it with his knee. I yelled in pain.
"Please" I begged, tears pouring from my eyes. "Don't." He ignored me and in a quick motion stuck the needle into my arm and injected the liquid. Immediately, I felt hot and lightheaded. I felt like everything was moving in slow motion. The guy stood up and started walking away. Before he shut the door, I heard people shouting. Then everything went dark.

We pulled into the parking lot of the closed down school. We got out of the cars and gathered to discuss our next move. We had other officers with us given that there was a lot of ground to cover. Hank gave orders to teams of two and people started heading off to their designated location. Kim pulled up with Will and he came running over to me.
"Is she here?" He asked hopefully.
"I hope so." I turned to Hank. "Where do you want me?" He had just sent Kim off with Hailey leaving him, Will, and me standing there.
"Right here." Hank answered. "Don't fight with me on this. Once they find Tess, they'll bring her to you. I don't want you doing anything stupid." I was furious. It was my sister! I should be in there. I turned and looked at Will. He looked terrified.
"Please, Jay. I can't worry about you too." He sounded desperate. I nodded and stayed in the parking lot with Will and Hank. Hank gave the signal and teams entered the building. I tried to listen to the radio but Hank kept it low and close to his ear. I studied his face, trying to read him. It wasn't any use.
"They found another gang member." Hank updated me. "No sign of Medina or Tess." I paced in a circle. I hated not being in there.
"They found her!" He finally exclaimed. I stopped pacing and let out a breath. Will pulled me into a hug. "Let EMS through!" Hank shouted at some officers as the paramedics made their way to the front doors. I then saw Adam place an unresponsive Tess on the gurney. No one could stop me now. I bolted toward my sister.

A/N: Thank you for reading! One more part and then this bit is over. I hope you enjoy!

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