046 || Until the end

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Max's POV


After the podium, I decided to go home. I didn't want to be around when the celebrations started. Don't get me wrong, I did want to celebrate with her. I was so happy for her. I just wasn't sure she would want me to be there. In the last few months, things have been very tense between us.

Me and Kelly had broken up. Obviously. There was no way that I could be with her while I had so many feelings for Sabrina. It wasn't fair to either of us. I would miss her. And P.  I would really miss that little girl. Kelly said that I was allowed to visit for the child's sake, but she didn't want to see me.

I understood.

That kiss after the race had been a stupid impulse. But I had to. I had wanted it so badly, and it might be the last time I ever got to do it. Her lips had been even sweeter than I remembered. My house had felt lonely, so I went out for a walk. I had walked without stopping for two hours, just thinking. 

Thinking and walking. Walking and thinking.

When I came back home, I found the last person I expected to find sitting on my doorstep. I stopped next to her. I could tell immediately that she was drunk. Very drunk. I felt a wave of worry.

"Maxieee!" She grinned up at me, opening her arms in greeting. I smiled a little at the nickname.

"Lifeje, what are you doing here?" I asked her, my voice low and calm. I wasn't saying that I wasn't happy to see her; I was just confused. Why my doorstep, of all people?

"Naomi's home; Lando is passed out with Daniel, and Layla went home with Carlos." Her words were slurred. She looked down at her lap. There was a mall pause.

"I..." Her voice had gone quiet. "I didn't have anywhere else to go..."

"Alright, let's get you inside." I smiled, offering a hand.

"I shouldn't." She shook her head thoughtfully.

"Then I'll drive you home." I countered. She paused.

"No. Naomi's there..." She muttered.

"Then come inside. It's warm. You can sleep in the guest bedroom, and I'll make you some tea." I tried to tempt her. She bit her lip, weighing her options. I held out my hand again. I wasn't about to leave her out here.

"Max-" She began, but I cut her off by crouching down in front of her. I took her chin gently in my fingers and tilted her head to look at me. Her eyes were huge.

"You can go back to hating me tomorrow. Just let me take care of you." I murmured softly. She hesitated. "I'll carry you inside if you want." I offered.

Her eyes lit up, and she nodded, grinning. I chuckled at seeing her childlike smile. I dipped down and scooped her up into my arms. She let out a giggle. I smiled. God, that laugh.

"You got the door, Liefje?" I asked her. She nodded and twisted a little so that she could open the door for me to walk through. I went inside, careful not to hit her head on the doorframe. I kicked the door closed with a foot.

"To the bedroom!" She pointed toward the closet door. I laughed

"That's a closet, love." I chuckled. Her cheeks were tinted pink.

"Oh, then that way!" I pointed toward my bedroom with a confident smile. I frowned.

"Darling, that's my bedroom." I told her. She turned back to me and put her arms around my neck. There was a mischevious twinkle in her eye.

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