Strive 108: Keeping Focus

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Kibishi's POV

Step! Step! Step!

My eyes were staring at the floor with so much in my mind. We were heading to the teleporter to travel to the second layer. 

But frankly, that's the least of my worries right now. 

I looked up, and I saw Kuma and Jir with frowns on their faces. I look at Tao, who seems puzzled and frustrated after what The Founder said. I mean, FORCING us to do things? From the front, it doesn't seem bad. But using human lives for the greater good may lead to worse things. 

And that in itself wouldn't be so bad wasn't The Founder. 

I may be the one who's only thinking this, though.

"You guys ready?" Kuma asks in a soft voice.

"Y-yeah..." Jir nodded.

"..." Tao looks at the ground.

"Don't worry, Tao. As Kuma says, The Founder has his reasons!" I fake smile.

"...Right," Tao nodded but didn't change her expression. Damn it, this isn't good. If push comes to shove, we'll figure out a way. The way Founder said it didn't feel right. Maybe we're just that naive like he says. But still...

"Don't worry, guys. Let's stay calm, alright? I'm sure that the adults won't do anything that may be overkilled." I suggested.

"..." No one responded.

"*Sigh*...." I frown.

Step! Step!

The four of us were on the teleporter while the adults watched us. The Founder stepped in. "Alright! I want staff to make sure these kids make it there safely! We can't have them being hurt when the plan to increase our survival is close at hand!"

"Tch...!" Tao narrows her eyes.

"Tao, calm down. We don't know what the methods of his way of thinking. We may be thinking too hard on this." I say, trying to cheer her up. Tao closed her eyes and tried to calm down. 

Step! Step! Step!

"Hey Kibishi!" I heard a familiar voice. I looked, and I saw Kibun standing next to us. He places his hand in his coat and smiles. "Don't let what The Founder says scare you, okay? The same goes for the rest of you. Look at it this way. Even if Mato's hunch is wrong, we will do our part to save the world. And if things look bad, we can try to convince the founder. I have a plan b if asking nicely doesn't work. Seriously, I won't let you kids be panicking while being our frontline. I'll try to figure out how to convince the founder to tone down a few things to be as minimal as possible. And if it is time, we need to do our part. Though, *lean closer* Mato's hunch is never wrong. *Lean back* So do the mission like normal."

"What are you doing, Kibun? Get back to your situation." The Founder said.

"Yeah, yeah! Hold your horses, shit!" Kibun says while looking annoyed. He then smiles at Kuma. "I'm always by your side, okay? You because out there, my little demon slayer." 

"Thanks, Dad..." Kuma whispers with a sigh of relief afterward.



Our differences aside, I won't back down from any challenges.  I'll figure out how to convince the founder if we must do forced work from him. Until then, let's focus on- huh?!

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