Jae's emotions

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Jae doesn't understand his emotions. He doesn't understand his friends' emotions too. Jae often feels sad because he doesn't quite understand. Jae has multiple emotions categorized like :

Blue emotions: Blue emotions are the emotions that Jae often feels. These emotions are very strong. Joy, sadness and love are blue emotions for Jae. These are emotions that he doesn't understand because they are very powerful. He feels emotions more strongly and that makes him very sensitive. When Jae is sensitive, he feels it. This feeling makes him uncomfortable.

Red emotions: Red emotions scare Jae. Jae hates them because these emotions make him feel bad like : anger, fear and disgust. These emotions have a huge impact on Jae. He felt these emotions a lot, so he understand them. When Jae feels this way, he must quickly isolate himself to regain control, otherwise he becomes aggressive. Jae activates his defense mode in these moments, and only calm can relax him.

black emotions: This category is very special. Jae only knows one dark emotion : tiredness. Jae loves this emotion. When he feels tired, his brain takes over his subconscious and acts without Jae really knowing. His imagination lights up and he changes the world around him. Jae loves his world. Jae is absent and lost in thoughts when he feels these emotions.

Jae is often blue. Jae feels things in a star way, but it's not easy.

For example: Finn feels the sensations in a butterflies way and Jae in a star way. These shapes are very different from each others. Jae doesn't understand why Finn doesn't feel the way he does. But Jae only knows star sensations, and he's lost when he tries to understand Finn.

The majority of people feel things in the same way. But it's complicated for Jae, because no one feel in a star way near him. So Jae often feels blue, because he also doesn't understand why he feels in a star way.

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