Is this what it means to be over?

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How do you know when it's over?

Is it when the good times start to fade?

Or is it when the glow from the sun gets too hot, that sends us running in search of shade. 

How do you know when it's finished?

Is it when we don't talk anymore?

Did I say the wrong thing? Misinterpret what you mean?

How long have you been in search for the door?

Is this what you wanted for all of this time?

Was I your lucky penny, or just another dime?

Did you see me as a bore? Was loving me a chore?

Is it time for me to face you don't want this anymore?

How long do I wait for you to change your mind?

I thought what we had was so hard to find.

Was our love just a game? 

Have I run out of aces?

Did you know from the start that we were always meant to part?

Is this what is means to be over?

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