ᴀᴄᴛ 1 - ᴍᴏɴᴅꜱᴛᴀᴅᴛ ᴀʀᴄ 1

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Chapter 1

Looking around, Y/N admires the city for a couple more moments before gathering the courage to walk across the bridge. Watching Timmie's birds, they notice that the birds don't even recognize that they're there. Confused, they take a couple steps closer, until they are close enough to step on the birds.

The birds don't even look up at them. They decide to ignore it and continue across the bridge. As they grow close to the gate, the two guards in front of it stop talking to each other and start staring at Y/N. Sharing a slightly enraged glance, they let them go through. As they walk through, they overhear the guards muttering about an imposter, and how the Dandelion Knight will take care of them.

Excited, and thinking that they will be welcomed with open arms, they walk through the city, not seeing the glares being shot their way. People talk with each other quietly, obviously upset about something.

Y/N approaches the fountain and notices Jean, Lisa, and Kaeya all together, speaking to civilians and seemingly trying to calm them down. Approaching them, Y/N goes to speak, but Jean beats them to it.

"You, what are you doing here? And why, for Barbatos' sake, do you look like them? Please, oh please tell me this is a cruel joke and not some mockery." Jean takes a step forward with an upset, almost disappointed,  look on her face.

"Uh? Hi? I'm Y/N-" Before they can finish their sentence they are cut off by a quick yelp from someone behind them. Turning around they see Anthony, the guy who prays for his sister all the time, falling to his knees in front of them. He closes his eyes and grabs onto their ankles.

"Please! Barbatos! I'll sacrifice this heretic for you! Please just save my sister!"

Before Y/N can say anything in response, they get yanked back from cold hands. Kaeya's voice regards Jean.

"Jean, what do you think we should do with it?"


"Shut up. We should lock them in the chapel for now, and I think the people would enjoy watching their sacrifice to Barbatos."

"WHAT." Y/N's eyes widen as they start to try to rip their arm out of Kaeya's grip. Ripping their arms away, they start running, but collapse onto the floor as electricity fills their body.

"Oh dear," Lisa says as she takes a step towards them, "I wish I didn't have to hurt someone so pretty, someone who looks so alike to our dear creator, but such heresy can't be forgiven." She gives them another little shock, just for fun as Y/N cries out in pain.

Their vision goes blurry, and they pass out. The last things they see are Kaeya's disapproving frown, Lisa's smile, and Jean's neutral face.


A few hours later


They wake up, their arms tied to the podium in the front of the chapel. Light from the moon falls in through the windows. Crying out in pain as they pull against the too-tight ropes, they start begging for help. Their cries slowly simmer away, until they are only crying silently.

Suddenly, the doors burst open, and heels clack against the floor. A bubbly voice starts talking, followed by a slightly harsher one. 

"Sister Rosaria! You can't just not do this! Especially for an occasion such as this. This honor has been entrusted to you, and it would be a sin to leave it undone. If you don't do it, another sister will, but you are the best suited for the position!"

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