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pov stefan

"are you in love with elena"

i can hear her heart beat so fast shes hoping id say no

"stefan? i wont be mad just answer me please"i gulp and look at her not giving an answer laying on her bed and she goes and lays her head on my chest. kissing her head and feel her tear drops on my shirt "eve.."  she stays silent just laying "its ok stefan, its ok" she soon goes to sleep i kiss her cheek and put blanket on for her and sneak out the window. "sweet dreams eve"

eve pov

its finally saturday recap last night bonnie is faking her death , and my ex-boyfriend is in love with my sister lena. i dont blame her. im getting ready to go to the grill meeting the real rick and damon. i wore jeans and a white croptop simple and those black boots.wore my hair naturally waves. 


i drove to the grill and entered then i saw alaric and damon talking to a brown hair man i sat next to the man cause that was the only seat avaliable. "eve come sit here" damon said point into his lap "umm why?" i asked he raised his brows and glared into my soul and i did'int ask just moved 

the man with the brown hair finally spoke and looked my way "hello love" i looked so confused "me?" he chuckled " you, do you not recognize me?" it finally clicked "klaus!"  he smiled "DING DING DING, you get a point love"

damon:" stop talking to her, come on eve were leaving."

eve:"no im going to talk to him" my heart felt drawn to him.i soon walked to a booth klaus followed behind me. we both sat. "so you have sibblings?" he smirked looking at me drinking his alcohol "of course i have 6 total" i smiled "you love them?" his expression changed "if you ask if i care yes"

"well i also care for those close to me, my sister, you know the one your gonna kill for personal gain" he laughs "your a lot to take in, i did'int expect that from you" 

"well im a gilbert" 

"are you really? your nothing like elena"

"lena and me are diffrent people"

"ive been thinking maybe we should go out sometime"

"why?" i ask him so random 

"i enjoy your company, your presence feels refreshing"

"sure i guess, hopefully you dont  throw me in a closet and  actually kill me this time around" i say laughing 

he looks at me serious "i  would never hurt you ,i had no intention, your special"

i look at him confused "why am i special-" then suddenly his phone buzzes "maybe well talk some other time love, i hope you go on that date with me, think about it" he says while writting his number down. he  walks off. i leave the grill walking outside damon walks up to me 

"what were you thinking? he could have killed you" i look at damon "awwe you care about me" i said with a baby face "of course i do eve, i care about you so much it hurts" i look up to him damon he cups my cheeks "damon..." he leans in so do i we kissed. we go to an empty alleyway and he pins me against the wall  and have an epic makeout session. i started  remembering i might leave mystic falls. i cut our kiss "damon" he looks at me smiling "damon im leaving mystic falls"

he looks so mad "fuckkk" he says  i look at him with a sadden look "damon im sorry, i just cant stay here theirs nothing left for me here" he walks around a circle "what about me am i nothing to you? "  i hold him close to me "of course not i just had a fight with lena just need a break" i lied "im going with you then" 

"no damon i have to do this myself, i have to find myself.  i feel lost but i just need to find out whats outside for me, theirs a big world outside of mystic falls waiting for me. and im waiting for it."

damon hugs me "im sorry for being a dick, i understand, the world is beautiful it deserves someone as precious as you" 

"thank you damon, i dont deserve someone like you in my life , thats why it need to end-" 

"what do you mean-" i had a wooden steaks in my bag "im sorry damon" i took on and put in his back one in his arm another in his throat, hes not dead. just needed him to pass  out 


i got home and i drank his blood then suffecated my self with a pillow. i woke up few hours later. seen stefan damon lena in my room. 

l:"omg shes awake" i felt so mad this is probably a phase of being in transition. 

e:"get away from me lena, get out my ROOM" i dont know where that anger came from but it was there. lena left my room it was just damon and stefan. so awkward. 

damon had a blood bag in his hand "do you want to become a vampire?"

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