First kill

21 2 0

Eve pov
I look at Katherine in shook. My brain had a million questions. I kept silent thinking in my brain.
Katherine:" ok I got it but you'll be ok I'm also in shook about the resemblance. Trust me seeing my dead sister doppelgänger in front of me is the last of my nightmares"
I rushed out the room not knowing what I was. I was hungry, angry, sadden. The universe felt sympathetic for a girl who died so they make me look like her and then make me be sisters with Elena who also has a doppelgänger. This can't be a coincidence. I'm not a doppelgänger I can't be the same creature as Elena. I won't accept it.
I go to the hospital to steal some blood we need a refill from the hospital I try to compel the hospital clerk man to get me a wheel barrow of blood but for some reason my compulsion not working. It must be because I haven't feed for a couple of hours. I take the man out and trap him in the storage room. I slowly dive in and sunk my teeth into his neck. Time flew by and I was still sucking on him not realizing that he's out of blood. I quickly check for a pulse. I know realized I've killed a man.
My first instinct was to call Damon. He's the only one I can trust, and also the last person to judge me.
Calling Damon.........................
Hello damon
Yes devil spawn?
I need your help damon I .....I killed someone
I start crying over the phone not caring if he heard me because I was so scared.
Don't worry princess I'm on my way
Thank you.... Thank you damon
Phone call end ...............
Damon pov
I get to Eve location and to the storage room and see her with blood all over her mouth smeared. Her hands and her clothes all bloody red. She looks at me her eyes full of disgust. I see the body on the ground and shut its eyes. I pull Eve close and give her a hug.
Damon:"it's alright Eve"
Eve:"how can you say that damon I've taken someone's life. I'm a monster."
Damon:"look at me, hey you're not a monster.
It was an accidents ok?" She shook her head"and accidents occur sometimes"
Eve:" are you mad at me?"
I pull a string of hair from her face like the first time I met her, she looks just as beautiful as ever.
Damon:"never, but you need to stop drinking so much blood. I'll tell Stefan to help you  get it under control" she shakes her head thanks and I take the body in a bag and we get in the car.
Eve:"I always loved this car" she says with a smile
Damon:"yea maybe because you stole it without permission whenever you want."
And laughs and punches my arm while I drive
Eve:" no you silly goose yes I may have taken it a few times but this car is when we had our first cute  moments" she says while blushing really hard like a tomato
Damon:"yes I remember those moments. Even the one you  farted "  she looks at me with disgust
Eve:" we all know that never happened Damon and that was you by the way yuck"
We both start laughing
Eve pov
Damon and me are over a cliff of water and he pushes the body into the hole he dug up.
Eve:"you know I could have used my powers to dig a whole" he looks at me with rage
Damon:"you wasted 30 minutes for nothing!!!"
I started to laugh
Eve:"not for nothing I got to check out your hot back"
He smirks and looks at me
Damon:"I guess you have a point"
Eve:"well we better go to the car"
Damon holds my hand while I tried leaving
Damon:"wait, I wanted to give this to you"
I was confused then he reaches for his pocket and my necklace he has given me
I jump on him with a big hug.
Eve:"Thank you Damon you don't know what this means to me."
He puts me down and gives me a forehead kiss our breathes touching. Fighting the urge to kiss him . I then move my hair to my left side so he can put the necklace on me.
We reach the car and before we entered I say something
Eve:"thank you damon"
Damon:"for what?"
Eve:" a lot of things I thank you  for. but mostly not expecting good out of me, because when I do good people expect good. I think we're both a like in someways"
Damon:" in what ways that were vampires?"

Eve:"in ways that we both know that good and evil can live among us" I take a breath "nobody knows this really but I was really bad human my parents got so fed up with my behavior that they had to send me away 400 miles away. I wasn't the perfect daughter like Lena to them. I was the drug addicted daughter. The daughter who steals girls boyfriends AKA THE SLUTTY ONE. The sister who pressures their siblings to do drugs. The girl who steals cars. The one who starts fights. The one who almost killed herself multiple times. Just because she wasn't perfect.
Damon:"Eve.... I'm-"
Eve:" but the things they didn't see was I was a good dancer, singer, especially artist, a good friend, I was loyal, kind hearted, an animal lover.
This can show us that even evil and good can co-exist together and unite. I thank you for teaching me that and showing me that I am good enough Damon. You mean a lot to me." I smile at him trying to enter the car but he shuts the door at me and grabs my hips and pushes me against the  car .
Eve:"Damon?" I say looking into his fiery eyes
Damon:"Eve ..... I want you now the good and evil all at once against the car yelling out my name for all of mystical falls to hear."
I bite my tongue so hard  I moan as his face slides past my neck. I can't take it anymore
Eve:" I can't take it anymore, do it now, please Damon kiss me , kiss me until till theirs no tomorrow"
He kisses my neck leaving a trail of hickeys slowly moving up to my lips I Immediately started kissing back. But I stared thinking of Klaus, and knew this wasn't right.
Eve:"Damon...." He continued to go down to my breasts removing my top off but I didn't want it to stop. I wanted him to kiss every inch of me.
Eve:"Damon.... Don't stop"
Damon:"I wasn't planning on that" he looks at me and smirks

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