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Katherine pov
"That was horrible Elena, our ears were bleeding"
Damon laughs
But Stefan glares at everyone trying to be the hero
"That was great Elena-"
"You dont have to lie to her Stefan we all know the truth. Eve is  definitely the vocals of the family"
Eve looks a bit sadden at what I said and left the room. I don't feel bad about a word because everyone knows I was being honest.
Stefan pov
"You dont have to lie to her Stefan we all know the truth. Eve is  definitely the vocals of the family" Eve looked like she needed some air and left the room
Katherine not feeling any pity of the mess she's trying to create between the 2 sisters. I soon get up to follow Eve. She's out on the porch the same place where her humanity flooded back. Closing the door behind me. "You need someone to listen?"
I ask her
She doesn't turn around so I join her holding her waist with her head on my shoulder.
"No not really, you ?"
I nod my head no
She gets her head off my shoulder and looks into my eyes
"I have to go Stefan"
She's about to get up but I hold her hand  and we kiss she cuts it fast wiping her lips in disgust of my action
"No stefan what would Damon say. You cant- we can't"
"Eve your my humanity. You want this this as much as I-"
She slaps me
"Just because your dating life is a mess right now doesn't mean mine has to be. Leave me out of whatever Katherine Elena drama. And I will be reporting this to my man."
I sit there with my hand on my left cheek blood coming out my mouth (she's a vampire it's going to hurt) quickly spitting. I walk to the forest searching for a snack (poor bunnies 😢)
Damon pov
I walk out the restroom when eve pushes me back into the restroom.
"What's going on we getting it down in the bathroom, this is inappropriate ms Gilbert" I say with whispering with a smirk
She looks disturbed and frustrated
"Stefan kissed me!"
Wait for part 2

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