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Eve pov
As I was about to enter the school building smiling after my little moment with Damon . someone suddenly zooms me into the back of the school building holding me against the wall.
"Goodbye babe really? Eve I'm very disappointed" he says with a smirk kink
I bite my lower lip
I look at him getting close to his ear to a whisper
"Are you jealous nik? Doesn't look cute on you." I say as he pushes my head away from his neck
He looks into my eyes with hunger
"How can I be jealous when I have the most gorgeous face in front of me"
He attempts to get a kiss from me but I look down at my necklace the one Damon has gifted me. Guilt strikes me.
I push him back "we can't do this klaus, I have to stay loyal with Damon." He nodded and looks sadden " I love you Klaus I do but I'm having a hard time choosing what's right"
"You mean the better choice? Playing games with me little Gilbert ?"
I look at him with love "their is no choice Klaus" I walk up to him and hold his face looking eye to eye "I have deep feelings for you Klaus, we connect in so many different ways and I have goosebumps when you breathe near me my heart races. I want you but it's the right person wrong time."
"I understand elyn. I want you to know I'll love you always and forever because you'll always be the favorite person in my heart. I want to love you in every moment of the day. You're gentle and honest and make me better person." He gives me a kiss on the head
"I think we make each other better"
"If Damon doesn't treat you right then call me I'll kill him for you" I laugh and a tear drop falls
"Why are you crying love?"
"I don't want to loose you nik" I then close the gap between us and give him a goodbye kiss but knowing I'll see him in every fight Scooby-Doo squad has.
"Goodbye love"

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