I hate you

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I sit on the porch dazing up at the stars as eve walks out the door of my house
Evelyn:"what are you doing out here by yourself Salvatore ?"
Stefan:"why do you care?"
Evelyn:" I don't I was just leaving are you happy?"
Stefan"no not really me and Elena had a fight"
Evelyn:"Stefan I heard everything you said to Elena and I want to say I'm sorry that you lost eve she sounded like she was full of life."
Stefan:"she was incredible, you don't know what she was going to do with her life. She got cut off too quickly "
Evelyn:"like you?"
I nod at her
Evelyn:"sometimes I miss being with her because she was so nice and kind to me. I want to remember her but I don't want to feel the pain. I forgot how to be happy"
Stefan:"life is about pain about feeling the pain. Pain is good sometimes. You need to turn on your humanity, if you're scared of the pain I'll hold you every-step of the way. I can help you be happy. I'll help you remember how to smile. You can be her again"
Evelyn:"but you can't Stefan your part of the pain . How can you be sure you can help me when you couldn't help her. Do you remember the pain you cause her? Cause every time she saw you it felt like a stab wound to the heart on auto-repeat. Every time you and Elena kissed in front of her knowing that it hurt. Dancing together with my own sister. Remember when you said you loved me the next day you weren't in bed with me. I didn't remember those precious moments in my own life till a few weeks ago. I can't see your face if I turn on my humanity the humiliation would kill me alone. You told me I was the only girl. I want to murder you I want to KISS you I want to cut you open. I just want revenge for her. Did she really make you happy enough for you to stay in this little pathetic town . She's not even me. We're opposites and I don't even know how to react to that. I still remember the first kiss we had. You took that away from me. You took my life away from me. It's your FAULT I HATE YOU
Evelyn is still rambling but I can feel her emotions pushing through her eyes becoming a puddle and the air is pushing really fast and hard she's using her magic I'm so scared for her
Evelyn:" I can't believe that you hurt her. Why did you do that to her. She's still alone. HELP STEFAN. My heart doesn't work. STEFAN DO you HEAR ME TAKE ME OUT . STOP THIS PAIN PLEASE STEFAN I DONT WANT TO FEEL THIS WAY. WHY AM I FEELING?. STEFAN YOU BROKE ME. Why did you let this happen to me. You broke my heart and I felt every artery vein shut down. I still get butterflies when you're near me. But you choose Elena and I'm watching you kiss her and love her. And you look at me as if you don't know me. Stefan you ignore me like I'm not yours anymore. I'm so tired Stefan. I NEED TO GET OUT, DONT LET THE EMOTIONS GET ME PLEASE.
She puts her head down into her lap holding her head crying. Then breaking free
Her emotions and magic are connecting. the wind won't stop a tornado is forming and the earth is shaking!
suddenly the tears spilled like water and my heart sank. She needed her own saving?
Suddenly she fainted.
I shook her body "eve? Wake up"

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