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After they all ate, they went as a group to get what Genesis, Zack and Cloud needed from the old studio that they had quit from. While the guys did Genesis found a box that had letters that Reina had written to Angeal and Sephiroth. So he took it with him and from there left out of the studio. Reina then took Genesis, Zack and Cloud to the studio where she knew Anya and Kadaj were waiting for them.

Reina got her Id pass out and let the lot of them inside before she went in and showed them around. She then showed them the recording studio where she saw that her things were just how she left it. She looked at Genesis, Cloud and Zack "Go on and place your things inside of the booth. I'mma talk with my sis and Kadaj real quick like."

"Yeah sure thing Rei." Genesis said before they went into the booth together

Anya looked at Reina curiously. "What's up big sis?"

"I don't know what this will do to Gen, Cloud and Zack. I'mma need you two to back me up on how things have been. I know you two aren't really involved with all this bull shit-but I can't count on Genesis to always have my back. He might end up holding himself back if things get too real for him."

Kadaj nodded his head. "Yeah sure thing, we got your back Reina not a problem."

She smiled at Kadaj, "Thank you, I'm glad to hear that."

"We've seen just how shady Angeal and Sephiroth have been. There's no damn way we're going to let them get away with what they've done, not just to Genesis. But to you too sissy. You shouldn't had to baby sit and literally raise Leo and Viven." Anya said shaking her head

Reina looked at Anya shocked "How do you know the names of their children?"

"When Sephiroth was bitching at his mother about what had happened he said the kids names. the fact that they named their kids after our parents is sickening."

"I can agree with you on that sis, and get this the only reason they named their kids after our parents is because they didn't think that I would be able to get with anyone and be a mother myself. It is also why I've had to deal with raising their shitlings."

Kadaj and Anya shook their heads before Kadaj spoke up. "You really need to sue those bastards for what they've done."

"I want to, but I don't know how to go about doing it."

Kadaj was in thought before he got his phone out. "Anya and I have a friend that may be able to help you out."

"You're going to call Ienzo aren't you?"

"I am, he went to college to become a family lawyer. I'm hoping he'd be able to help Reina out. He owes me anyways."

Kadaj called the number and placed his phone against his ear. It wasn't long till he heard the voice of the male he was calling. "Illusa Ienzo speaking."

"Hey Ienzo its Kadaj, I need to ask you a favor."

"Oh...hey Kadaj. What favor might that be?"

"A friend of mine from school by the name of Reina has been dealing with a lot of shit from my brother and Angeal...Mind helping her sue the fuck out of the two of them and their partners?"

"Let me speak to the female and I'll see what I can do."

"sure thing." Kadaj said before he handed his phone to Reina. "He said he wants to talk to you before he can see what he can do to help you out."

"Alright, thanks Kadaj."

Reina then took the phone before she spoke up. "Hello?"

"Hello Miss Reina. May I get your full name please?"

"Of course, its Reina Lillian Rozarrio."

"Alright and how do you spell your last name Miss Reina?"


"Thank you, now Kadaj mentioned that you wish to sue Sephiroth Silverwing and Angeal Dewey with their counter parts. Is that true?"

"Yes, their partners are Tira and Tara Yurito."

"Alright thank you for their names. Now tell me exactly what has happened that makes you wish to sue them?"

"Three years ago Sephiroth and Angeal got Tira and Tara pregnant with their now children Leo and Viven. Angeal and Sephiroth didn't know till I wrote to them that they had left Tira and Tara pregnant with their children. They didn't do anything, they didn't send money or anything to help me take care of their children's nonsense. I had graduated from College shortly before Tira and Tara gave birth to the two children. While the two girls had their new born children they chose to ransack my things and take my debit card and use it to pamper themselves instead of getting things for their children and allowing me to pay rent and the utilities. In the midst of it all I managed to get a job at publishing place that allowed me to work from home. The two girls took that as I would baby sit their children for free...I couldn't work that much while dealing with crying screaming babies around me." Reina began to explain.

"Sounds like you were dealing with a lot."

"No kidding, Throughout the three years I was in constant contact via letters with Sephiroth and Angeal. But they didn't give a damn about what happened, or at least it didn't seem like they gave a damn what would happen to me or their kids with what they wrote."

"Did you keep the letters?"


"Then we can use them against the four of them, now I must ask was there any other major thing that happened throughout the entire time that you lived with them?"

"Yes they threw away my anti-depression pills and refused to let me keep my phone active that I needed for work."

"I see...well sounds like you have a solid case. Do you know where they live now?"

"No, I cut contact with them after not taking my medication ended me being in the hospital."

Ienzo was quiet for a moment before he sighed out "Can I talk to Kadaj for a moment please?"

"Sure thing." Reina said before she handed him back his phone

Kadaj placed his phone up to his ear. "Sup Ienzo?"

"Does your brother live back with your mother at all?"

"Yes as well as the other couple." Kadaj said unamused "Tira and Tara's parents don't want anything to do with them."

"I need your address so I can give them the court summoning paper work."

"Sure I'll message it to you."

"Good, I can help Reina out not a problem this is going to be a breeze to win as long as they don't have anything against her."

"They shouldn't, she's the victim here."

[COMPLETE] Loveless Hearts [Genesis Rhaspsodos love story] Modern AuWhere stories live. Discover now