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A/N: Previous chapter, I have said that I'm trying to feel my way through the story. Although I have some ideas, I was mostly set for the first part but to this day still unsure about the second part. I'm an author of structure too so I'm figuring out how I want to write the beats / arcs of this story until a satisfying conclusion. There's a lot of ways and it's been a long time so I won't lie that I'm a little scared about poor writing decisions and failing the V3 cast. But I also want to see this story to the end because just like the title, just like what I have wanted for them a long time ago, I don't want to forsake that either. I hope to draft well enough and cross my fingers. I'm also learning to appreciate the art of writing shorter chapters because keeping a certain word count for chapters will legit be the end of me.

To recap what had happened after everyone was on board with the plan, they had to prepare within the estimated hour where the Despair Minions would come and pick up all of them as they prepare their newest recruits while ready the survivors for the newest killing game.

Of course, that would never come to pass when the A2HD were on route to collect some of them for the pen drive that downloaded all the contents of their killing game as their trump card to make and break this despair apocalypse.

Meanwhile, they had also tipped off the Future Foundation about potential survivors that could be recruited into their ranks so it would be a whole shebang for three powerful organizations despite the A2HD not really flying on either organization's radar yet to collide within one bunker.

By the sounds of it, it will not end well but for the classmates still in preparation for said shebang, it was all according to plan. Although the survivors had their doubts with such a plan, the rest had figured and understood everything that must have been done throughout the days of finding out, learning and getting to know what their past selves before killing game were ever thinking.

In any case, once they had their communications and whatever equipment they could find here set and ready to go, they have divided themselves into the teams on where they would go to enact their plan.

The Future Foundation was no brainer, with only the survivors going when they would be less accepting of any Despair Minion that might as well be killed on sight if they ever try this farce. They were not willing to add more people when the FF could see through their lies and not listen to reason. Although it was concerning that there were not a lot of survivors to go for FF, they could only work with what they have. The job of the survivors were to get the feel of FF that they have an odd relationship with despite their same goals and at the very least try to get in their way subtly from killing anymore Despair Minions and going for any ruthless methods that did not vibe with their ideology.

For the Despair Minions team, Rantaro, Tsumugi, Angie, Kirumi, Ryoma and Kokichi had volunteered themselves to take up the grand task of acting out in despair and figuring out the ranks, getting to the heart of the matter and finding out where to strike deep. Although there were concerns that this team could lose themselves to despair, they were conceeded to be the more resilient and cunning in the group to actually pull this off.

Finally, that left Miu, Kiibo, Gonta, Kaede, Tenko, Kaito and Kiyo to go back to the A2HD home base. There had been worry that Kiyo and Kiibo could lapse into despair much easier than any of the others considering that the former had actually underwent full Despair Minion mode if he wasn't snapped out of it and the latter could be programmed into despair and blowing their cover so they had been relegated to home turf. Miu had to go back, because it was with her technological prowess with the pen drive and maintaining the robot that they truly needed to get their next phase of the plan going.

Gonta, Kaede, Tenko and Kaito would be too straightforward and honest with their positive attitudes or pure natures to actually maintain a despairing act for a very long time. Considering positive attitudes, it had been concerning that Angie would join the despair minions but as evidenced with the student council in the killing game and a general wariness with her cult like religion style back in the old high school days, there had been more that meets the eye for Angie that acting out as a Despair Minion might be something she could candidly pull off.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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