Nothing Left

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"So you have something to live for, huh? Good for you," Ryoma told Kirumi when she showed him her motive video.

Unlike him, where there was nothing waiting ahead of him.

"Do whatever you think right... I am going to clean the tennis balls over there, OK?" Ryoma said as he promptly turned his back around Kirumi.

He knew what was going to happen next, he could feel the killing intent... his instincts were telling him to fight back, but...

What is the point of that? He was going to be killed whether he was here or at the outside. After all, he was in the death penalty row... and he... no longer had a motive to live.

It was... needlessly cruel for his Pad to not even have a single person waiting for him outside and actually care... that no one cared...

It meant, all this time, Ryoma was truly and completely alone. He had nothing. What he had... was all on the other side.

'Give me a merciful death...' Ryoma thought as he felt a sharp crack at his head and he blacked out.

Ryoma was letting himself be killed, and he was OK with it. After all, did he really deserve to live compared to the rest of the Ultimates with bright futures ahead... did his life even hold meaning for anybody? Can someone like him even find anything good outside when death stayed with him in here and out...?

He had no motive to live, so he should willingly die. For someone with true motive to live, his life for the sake of millions. It was no hard decision, really. Giving his life to the Prime Minister of Japan would be one of the good things he have done for a while.

But then why...? Why when he felt conscious, he found himself breathing water... that he trashed around, wanting air... sweet, sweet air. To breathe, to regain some life...?

But whatever was pushing him in the water, wherever that is, was unrelenting, and he could feel the air, the source of life escaping. He was going to die, something he wanted so much... and yet he trashed around, unable to take the suffocation, choking the water that was getting too much for him...

It's funny, you know? When people want to die, when Death closes in, they have second thoughts. Their life flashes before their eyes, as if reminding them of every importance of such an irreplaceable thing, as if begging to reconsider... making such a person doubt to end something that can never begin again and hold it off... so that they could live a moment longer and actually continue... being.

It was typically cliche that Ryoma ended up being one of those people, after thinking he always wanted to die. Because his life flashed before his eyes. The happiness, the sadness, the pain, the sorrow, the depression, the pity, the redemption.

He thought of his family and girlfriend who always hung out with him, and always wanted the best for him and gave the best for him no matter what.

He remembered being in prison, with his prison mates who actually looked up to him and hung around, actually trying to befriend him and giving some meaning...

He remembered... the people in the killing game... Kaede... Shuichi... those who approached him even though they knew what he did, and tried to give him a reason to live.

He remembered the casino, the fun time he actually had and everyone having fun around him. It was... great.

To live... Ryoma wanted to live, as his lungs were filling with water and he continued trashing, but the force will not yield.

Ryoma wanted... to have more fun times, to actually have a reason to live, even if that Pad said he didn't have any. Because it's extremely funny, that when you are on the verge of dying, you suddenly realized you haven't lived long enough and wanted still... to do more things, to... truly live and experience, something he actually has been wasting away. Something the people here are doing, and wanted him to join in...

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